The Origins of Our Dissatisfactions

Welcome back dear friends. Trust this past week was good for you.

Today, I want to share something about the topic – the origins of our dissatisfactions.

Looking carefully at what is happening around the world, you will see that there is a certain level of dissatisfactions going on in many people’s minds. Many are not satisfied with where they are and what is going on around the world. Particularly, people who are immigrants in foreign countries. They are not happy with what is going on in their home country and how their people are being destabilized and dehumanized.

For the past two decades now, there have been many cases of human displacements and migration of people from their homeland to foreign countries. They’ve left all their belongings, families, properties to escape for their lives and find a solace somewhere else. But where they are has not been a better place either.

Yes, there may be food to eat. There may be house to live. There may be cars to drive. And there may be clothes to wear. There may be all the luxuries and jewelries in the closet, but the peace of mind and satisfaction is not there. There is still something missing. There is a strong yearning for freedom. There is a desire for home – the real home. That is where they came from and where their families and ancestors were established.

The wars and political instability that are going on in the world are creating some kind of uncertainty and resentments in the hearts of people. People are distrusting each other more. They are resenting each other more. There is a high level of hostility and discrimination. All because of some group of people who are pursuing selfish interests at the expense of the innocent souls.

This state of dissatisfaction is connected to the yearning for the real home, a place you can call your own. You might have asked yourself – "What do we have?" "What is ours?" "Our lands have been taken away from us. Our heritage has been taken away from us. Our dignity, value, self-esteem, confidence have been taken away from us. What do we have left? It is to only hope and believe that something will happen one day that will bring change to our life."

If you've ever thought about these things, I want to reassure you that you have hope. There is hope for you in the Lord. And no matter what has been taken away from you, the Lord will restore them back to you in multiple folds. 

There are many examples of people in the Bible whose hope was restored, and they got things they've lost back in multiple folds. Ruth's hope was restored. She got back everything she's lost. David’s hope was restored. Jephthah’s hope was restored. Job’s hope was also restored. I believe yours will not be an exception.

I pray God will restore your hope and fill your heart with His peace. You will know rest once again and whatever you felt you have lost will be restored. 

God bless you and have a great week!

To read the previous article, please click on this link: The Transformative Power of Gratitude

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