The Transformative Power of Gratitude

Hello friends! Glad to have you back. Trust you had a great week. 

A while ago when I was thinking about so many things, I became overwhelmed (quite as usual). There have been couple of situations I’ve been going through especially at my work place, and I’ve been wondering what exactly was going on, trusting the Lord. But life, you know, often throws situations at us that test our faith and confidence in the Lord in ways we can't immediately comprehend.

In such moments, we yearn for divine intervention, for the Lord to swoop in and deliver us from our troubles. We long for solutions to our problems, even though we may not fully understand why we are going through these trials. What we may not realize is that these trials might have a purpose beyond our immediate comprehension.

In times of adversity, when we desperately seek relief and resolution, the Lord may be silently at work in a different way. He may seek to fortify us, to build our courage, and to deepen our faith in Him. It's easy to love the Lord when everything is good, when our wishes and desires are granted with ease. But it's an entirely different matter when we're facing the storms of hardship, waiting for the Lord's response to our prayers.

In these critical moments, what sets us apart and makes all the difference is our attitude of gratitude and appreciation. We must find it within ourselves to be grateful, not just for the times when everything aligns with our desires, but also for the trials and tribulations that test our strength. Gratitude for the journey, for the challenges that shape us, for the Lord's unwavering presence within us.

Remember, "the Lord who initiates good works in us will see them through to perfection, even until the day of our Lord Jesus Christ." Apostle Paul said that. So, we shouldn't let fear of the future or the weight of our desires consume us. Instead, we should embrace gratitude for what we have, for the Lord's constant work in our lives, and for His unspeakable gifts.

As the Psalmist says, "Then our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with shouts of joy. Then it was said among the nations, 'The LORD has done great things for them.' "These are not just words; they are testimonies to the transformative power of gratitude.

Reflecting on the Lord's benevolence strengthens our faith and reinforces our trust in Him. We recall His goodness and His incredible deeds in our lives from the beginning of the year up to this present moment. 

So, let’s worship the Lord with gratitude for His holy name, acknowledging how He has shielded us from evil, kept pestilence away from us, and guarded us with His mighty hand.

Let us be thankful for His countless blessings in our lives. And with His grace, He will continue to uphold us and strengthen us. 

May you be blessed abundantly, and have a great and fulfilling week ahead. 

Much love! 💓💓

To read the previous article, please click on this link: How Do We End These Crises

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