How I Handle Problems (Part 1)

Welcome back, friends. Today I want to share something very important. It is about problems. 

We know in life, problems never finish. They will keep coming our way. Even when we solve one, another one comes.

But problems are not all negative, though. In fact, there are many good sides to problems than the bad ones. The challenge is just that the way many of us have been conditioned to view problem is that of a negative one. 

I remember when we first came to America, I had one of my biggest surprises. I had high hopes that coming to America would be a better life. (And yes, it was eventually but not on a platter of gold.) 

I thought we wouldn’t have to work much or stress ourselves for anything - that things will just start working right away. I didn’t know we have to work for it. And at the beginning, things were not that easy. 

When we came, my husband was doing two jobs. One for the day, another one for the night. I was staying at home with the kids. 

But back in Nigeria, we were living a comfortable life. My husband was a senior officer at his work place, and I had someone helping me with house chores. So, things were relatively easier and better. But when we came to America, all that changed. And we did everything by ourselves. 

In most of those days, I was worried and losing weight. I hardly eat because most times I was thinking about so many things. But as time went on, I had to tell myself that – "look, you have to face this situation head-on. This is the reality on ground and you must accept it. You must find ways to solve this problem and adapt to the new environment."

Though, I didn’t much expect what I saw, I’m glad now that I only had opportunity to experiences those situations. Because now they’ve made me a better person, and the one who understands how resources are created and life transformed. 

Now, when I look back today to see what I have gone through, I always thank God and appreciate the people he used for us.

In general, I have 5 personal ways I deal with problems. I will share them with you next week. Have a wonderful weekend! 

You can read the previous article here:


  1. I am happy that you were able to get over your problems. I will be looking forward on the 5 ways you deal with problems in your next publication. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks be to our God for your courage to forge ahead despite all odds.
    I am excited and encouraged.
    The Lord shall grant you more strength and peace of mind to continue to affect your world.
    Nice week ahead ma.


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