Welcome to 2024, Friends!

With so much gladness in my heart, I welcome you, dear friends, to the New Year 2024. This is a year that we've all been expecting, and thank God, we've entered it. Thank God for His goodness and faithfulness.

Where shall we start? Is it to recount how the year 2023 was spent or to plan for the year ahead? I know that at the beginning of the new year like this, many things go through our minds. Questions like – How will the year look? What will happen? Won’t what happened last year occur again this year? And so on.

But God is faithful. He will grant us wisdom and understanding to navigate this year. We will receive direction and clarity. We will not be confused or frustrated this year. For we know that all things work together for good for those who love God and work according to His purpose.

For this year, we know it’s our blessed year. It’s our prosperous and glorious year. We will not lack any good thing this year. And the Lord will be our sufficiency and provider this year. We will shine in glory. And no evil shall befall us. The Lord will shield and protect us. And we will be under His divine guidance and protection.

The lines are falling for us in pleasant places, and surely, we have a goodly heritage. The Lord will perfect all that concerns us and our children this year. And our family will know peace. We will enjoy divine health this year, and we will move from strength to strength. Vitality and sound minds shall be our portion this year, and we will glorify the Lord in every area of our lives.

So, friends, I wish you all the very best this year and encourage you to explore all the goodness and blessings that the Lord has prepared for you this year. God bless you and have a marvelous year ahead. 

Hearty cheers!

To read the previous article, please click on this linkThe Christmas I Want to See

You can also check out these posts:
1. Christmas Is Coming


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