How Do We End These Crises?

Welcome back, friends. Trust this past week has been good for you.

I want to start today by asking a question – How do we end these crises? The crises of wars and conflicts that are going on in our world.

My heart bleeds when I hear and see what is going on between Israel and Gaza. The situation is extremely difficult and people are suffering. I understand the situation is a political and religious crisis, but why should innocent souls be the victims of these conflicts? 

The situation is getting worse every day and people are running away for their lives to wherever they can go. I imagine how difficult it will be for them to eat or sleep, let alone, work. They have practically no choice but to run for their lives. Their economy and finances have come to a standstill. They have no place to live, no food to eat, and they are facing mental and emotional instability.

Anyone who has experienced war knows that it's not something to joke about. When the Russia-Ukraine War started last year, my people who were there knew what they went through. There is nothing to compare with peace; nothing can be compared to living in a war-free, harmonious environment.

The difficulties faced by people currently living through war are unimaginable, and they are not necessary. They can absolutely be prevented if we have a government or system in place to establish order and hold those who commit atrocities accountable without individual countries taking the law into their own hands.

Those who commit offenses should be individually punished without involving other people who are innocent or unaware of their crimes. The United Nations and other international organizations should be proactive in establishing laws and order. Things are spiraling out of control in our world, and wars are occurring in many parts of the world that are not necessary.

This year alone, many wars have erupted, including the Sudan war. The ethnic wars in Ethiopia and Congo have not stopped. So, are the ones going on in many parts of Africa. These are serious issues that require dealing with and bringing justice and fairness to all parties involved.

This is not a time to continue fighting among ourselves. It's not a time to engage in proxy wars or conflicts that will escalate into serious humanitarian crises for generations. These things could snowball into generational hostility and resentment.

The war between Russia and Ukraine has already caused significant problems in our world today. From an increase in gas prices to a rise in food costs, utilities, accommodation, and many other basic necessities. People are finding it increasingly difficult to eat and live. There is also a migration crisis, with more people moving from place to place. The situation in Gaza is similar, with a severe humanitarian crisis and people struggling to come to terms with their daily lives.

So, I'm calling on everyone involved to let's put an end to these conflicts. Let's settle our differences and focus on more important matters. 

I understand that the issue of war between nations goes beyond the surface and the ordinary. There are warmongers and fifth columnists who add fuel to the fire and thrive in times of war. But they should know, however, that if they don't repent, judgment will come upon them and their generations.

Let's pray for our nations. Let's show love and concern for people. Let's not say, "It's not my business." What isn't your business today might become your business tomorrow. Let's not wait until that moment. Let's rise and support our people.

I pray for divine intervention. I pray for wisdom for our leaders. May our light continue to shine in the darkness of the world. And together, we will bring God's peace and tranquility to our world!

God bless you, and have a great week.

To read the previous article, please click on this link: Living Every Moment


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