Peace For Ukraine

One thing I hate in my life is war. I don’t like it for anything. Maybe because of the stories I’ve had about it. It is not easy. Everywhere would be tensed. People would be panicking and afraid, and there would be so much unrest here and there. 

When the news about Russia-Ukraine war broke out, I was scared, I had to call my people in Ukraine to know how they’re doing. I know the conflict has been going on for a while now, and recently it has escalated to a full-fledged war. The world tensed. Everyone is concerned. 

Not in this 21st century should we be talking about this kind of war. There are many wars in our world that we should be dealing with rather than attack on ourselves. We still have many hungry people to feed in the world. There are still a lot of people who are poor. That is the war we should be fighting. Not the one against ourselves and humanity. We should fight war against poverty, hunger, discrimination, cruelty, terrorism and so on, in our societies. 

Today, I pray for peace in Ukraine. Let there be peace. Let every war cease and conflicts come to an end. Let human aggression be tamed and God’s kingdom reign. We don’t want war. We don’t want conflicts. We want peace. We want tranquility. We want people to live in love and harmony. We want people to do well and be good and happy. 

I pray for God’s intervention. God will touch the heart of our leaders and cause them to make right decisions. They will not be an instrument of evil, but an agent of positive change. They would seek wisdom and direction and walk in the right way.

We declare God’s peace on Ukraine and every war would cease.

God bless Ukraine. God bless our world.



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