One Thing I’m Learning In the Midst of Russia-Ukraine War

In less than 10 days to the beginning of this Ukraine-Russia war, I can’t imagine the level of damage it has had on humanity. It is absolutely catastrophic. Seeing the amount of destruction and death toll puts a big shock in my heart. I saw many people left homeless and helpless. Many had to leave their families, relatives, friends and loved ones to flee for their lives. In fact, many had to leave their houses, cars, properties, and everything to this war. 

At this point, achievements, positions, titles, or possessions don’t matter anymore. In a twinkling of an eye, everything has disappeared into the air like a vapor. Everything that one has worked and struggled for has become things of the past.

This incident has really taught me a big lesson. To understand the real meaning of life. That life is not in all the possessions, but in the impact we are able to make in the lives of others. That there is no need to hold on to anything, but to use everything we have in our possession to be a blessing to people.

In my life, I’ve had couple of experiences that made me understand that life is in the value of what we do for others, and not what we do for just ourselves. Money will finish. Positions, titles, certificates and all the material things will end, but the value we have created for others will remain for life.

I remember something that Jesus said. He said —“Take heed and beware of covetousness, for a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.” He also said- “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Luke 12:15 and Matthew 6:19-21. 

These scriptures make me understand what is the most important thing in life, and what exactly I should do to make my life valuable and profitable.

Though it’s hard going through this period and experiencing the emotional, physical, and psychological pains of this war, I believe God will bring restoration. He will bring peace and comfort. And help will come. The people who have been victims of this war will not be left stranded and hopeless. They will receive help, and will not be put to shame. 

I encourage as many of us that have the capacity to rise for the help of others and assist them in whatever way we can. This is a critical time when people need us most. They need clothing, feeding, accommodation, finances and so on. They even need moral and mental supports. Let’s rise for their help. Thank God for those who are helping. Many still need help. And I believe we can contribute our own part.

I believe this war will not last. And the peace of God will reign in Ukraine. Ukraine will rise again, and God will bring restoration and hope into the hearts of people.


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