Sleep Therapy – How to Sleep Better And Easier

Top of the weekend to you, friends and your family. Hope you had a great week.

Today I want to share something about sleep. I know all of us sleep. And there is no time in our lives that we’ve not experienced the benefits of sleep. Sleep is a phenomenon that takes close to one-third of our lives. And depending on how much things we have to do, some of us sleep longer than the others. 

Whether you are a man or woman, old or young, rich or poor, everyone of us needs sleep. It is one of those things that make us all equal. And there is no alternative to it – pretty much like food, water and other important elements needed for life.

The idea of sleep therapy is one that shows us the benefit of sleep and how it can be used to resolve some illnesses or medical conditions in our body. Sleep is not only for sleeping. It has several benefits that science has proven. 

Apart from the fact that we feel refreshed when we wake up from sleep, we also feel more healthy and alive. We feel more happy and sound. Our brain cells are able to rest and get rid of toxins that have accumulated in our body throughout the day. And we also get to consolidate some of our short-term memories into long-term.

Sleep has been shown to help us resolve some of the body illnesses. Headache is a common example. Sometimes, when we feel weak and tired, all we need to do is to sleep, and our body will come back to normal state. 

Other conditions that could be resolved with sleep are stress conditions, inflammation, hormonal imbalance, diabetes, anxiety, obesity, and so on. Many of these conditions are associated with malfunctioning of the body systems. So, with good sleep and right medication, these conditions can be resolved.

Now, let’s look at how we can sleep better and easier. For some of us, depending on what we might have gone through during the day, we may feel exhausted and want to have some rest. It is important we enjoy our sleep. And it’s not only about how long we sleep, but how well (not the quantity but the quality).

On average, an adult is expected to sleep for 6 hours, while children are expected to sleep for 8 hours. But we may not always have this time. And as an adult, I can’t remember when last I slept for 6 hours straight.

For me, this is not only because of work, but also what I’m used to. When I’m not going to work, I still wake up same time and do things I need to do. So, the time might not be much of an issue. But there is something more important – the quality of the sleep. With that, we can look at what we call the sleep cycle.

A sleep cycle is the completion of two types of sleep – REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and NREM (Non-Rapid Eye Movement). An average sleep cycle takes about 90 minutes to complete. So, when you complete a sleep cycle before you wake up, you feel refreshed. But when you wake up in the middle of the sleep cycle (no matter the number of hours you’ve slept) you will still feel grumpy and tired.

On a lighter note, it is always advised to set alarm to the completion of a sleep cycle. For example, one sleep cycle is 1hour, 30mins. Two sleep cycles is 3hours. Three sleep cycles is 4hours, 30mins. Four sleep cycles is 6hours. So, if you are sleeping for lesser hours, you should set your alarm to exactly the end of each sleep cycle, so that you feel refreshed by the time you wake up.

To sleep easier, it is often advised to take away distractions. Not only physical, but also mental. A lot of times when our minds are filled with disturbing thoughts, we tend to sleep less, and feel tired when we wake up. It’s good to leave our stress and challenges out of our minds, so that we can get some good sleep.

When we sleep good, we can think well and find solutions to our problems. So, any challenge we face, we should do our own part and leave the rest to God. He will guide us and give us solutions. The bible says – “For so He gives His beloved sleep.” That is to tell you how much God values sleep. And so, it’s important to sleep well and cast our burden upon Him, for He cares for us!

And finally, as sleep is something we have to do every night, whenever you feel sleepy, please sleep! so that you can feel refreshed and alive. If you cannot at the moment, wait for more comfortable time to do so. 

Nothing replaces sleep except sleep. And many things that we do (that are related to our mental and physical performances) are dependent on the quality of our sleep. So, it’s vital to sleep good and refreshed.

I hope you will enjoy your sleep and have a happy life. Thanks for reading and God bless you!

To read the previous article, please click on this link: How Your Blood Type Can Determine What You Eat


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