How Your Blood Type Can Determine What You Eat

Welcome back friends! So much has been going on recently. Hope you’re doing well and things going fine. 

Today, I want to share something about the connection between your blood type and what you eat. For a long time, I didn’t get this knowledge until I came across it recently, and I felt I should share it with you my friends.

Our blood type has a lot to do with our health and what we eat, and science has proven that. It has shown us that our blood type does not only affect our immune system, but also plays a role in how what we eat is digested and absorbed in our body.

Apart from individual’s idiosyncrasies, our blood type affects what elements are present in our blood and how these elements affect our food.

So, today, we will look at some of these foods that our body responds to based on our blood type, and the ones that are our strengths and weaknesses.

Eating foods that are our strength will make us healthy and fit. While eating foods that are our weakness could make us add too much calories in our body, which could make losing weight difficult.

Now, let’s look at some of these foods based on our blood type.

1. Blood type O

In this blood type, the strengths are meat, chicken, turkey, eggs, fish, seafoods, fruits and vegetables. And the weaknesses are dairy products, corn, and some grains. What we see with this food pattern is that people with this blood type have a strong metabolism for protein-rich diet and less metabolism for high fat or carbohydrate diet. 

People with this blood type have strong gastric acid that digest heavy proteins easily. They may have challenge digesting other diets which could accumulate a lot of calories in their body even when they eat small amount of food.

This blood type is for older generation (Hence its name O), and their main source of food that time was meat. So, their system was adapted for high-protein diet.

2. Blood type A

In this blood group, the strengths are fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, fish, and little meat. The weaknesses are milk, cheese and other dairy products. In this blood group, we observe that there is strength in digesting carbohydrates and fibers, and some pieces of vitamins and minerals. 

But there’s weakness in digesting dairy products. This blood type occurred when humans were agrarian (hence the name A). They were majorly consuming fruits and vegetables. They had farm where they could get fresh farm produce and do some fishing. 

They used all that to develop their blood type which made them compatible to farm life and less compatible to processed and junk foods.

3. Blood type B

In this blood type, the strengths are eggs, yogurt, milk, cheese, vegetables and fruits. While the weaknesses are sunflower, sesame seeds, chicken, and buckwheat. What we observe in this blood type is that it is sort of balanced with all the nutrients, having pieces of protein, fat and carbohydrates (hence B for balanced). 

People with this blood type have combination of all the enzymes and proteins required to digest these foods, and are less reactive to many foods.

4. Blood type AB

In this blood type, the main foods are vegetables, fruits, grains, seafoods, and milk products. The weaknesses are red meat, chicken, potatoes, tomatoes, and beans. People with this blood type are combining blood types A and B. They are modern blood type and are rarely found. 

They have evolved from the older blood type O of digesting heavy meat to simply consuming foods that are less heavy in protein and more active in fiber and other nutrients.

So, the main idea of these blood types vis-a-vis what we eat is to be able to understand foods that are compatible with our body chemistry and less reactive to them. Nevertheless, this is not to say we cannot digest any food we eat. 

We can surely digest any food as long as we are not deficient of the enzymes and metabolic processes required. But our body has strengths and weaknesses for different foods, and that’s what we’ve discussed. I believe this will help us to balance our health, control our body weight and live a longer life.

I hope you will be happy and well and continue to enjoy a healthy life. Feel free to share this post with family and friends and let them also partake in this knowledge. I wish you a splendid weekend. 

Thanks for reading and bye for now, friends!

Much love💕

P.S: Blood type = Blood group

· Eat right for your type by Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo
· It starts with food by Dallas and Melissa Hartwig

To read the previous article, please click on this link: 5 Foods that Prevent Heart Disease

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