5 Ways to Keep Our Body In Shape

Hello friends! Welcome back. And happy new month. I pray this month brings all that is good and fulfilling for us. We will receive new strength this month and make progress in every way.

Today, I want to share 5 ways to keep our body in shape. Keeping our body in shape is very important these days because of so many conditions that could ensue from keeping excess calories in our body. And more so, when we keep our body in shape, we’ll be able to wade off diseases and infections, and our productivity and health will increase.

There are many ways to do that, but let’s discuss 5 of them.

1. Exercise 

We know exercise is good for keeping our body in shape and making us healthy, but most times we end up not doing it. Perhaps, what we should pay attention to is the simple way of doing it and how we can incorporate it into our already existing lifestyle. 

Exercise can be as simple as doing push-ups and sit-ups in your room. Dancing to your favorite music. Walking, skiing, or doing your favorite sports. The main thing is to connect exercise to your daily routine. Let what you do be active enough to move your body and make you stretch your muscles.

2. Diet

This is another important factor when it comes to keeping our body in shape. The reason being that we become what we eat, either sooner or later. And whether we like it or not, what we eat, at any point in time either contribute to our health or takes away from it. 

We are either getting well with what we eat or worse. That’s why we need to mind what we put inside our body. So, eating healthy meals such as foods high in fiber, vegetables, protein, good fats, vitamins and minerals are good and will keep our body in shape. 

We will not accumulate unnecessary calories and we’ll easily digest the food and absorb the nutrients into our system. The food we eat also shape our body and determine how healthy/fresh our skin will look. People who eat bad food have wrinkled skin. While people who eat healthy food have fresh skin.

3. Sleep

Sleep is a critical factor we must pay attention to if we want to keep our body in shape. It helps us to refresh our body. It helps our brain to remove waste products and gives us fresh memories and sound mind. Not sleeping well would mean feeling fatigue, weak, and tired. 

Sometimes, not sleeping well could also cause aging and wrinkled skin because of stress and overloading of body with too much work. So, it’s important to sleep very well at night and feel refreshed. For adults, at least 6 hours of sleep is important. And for children, at least 8 hours.

4. Good Environment

When it comes to health, environment is everything. This is because that is where we get everything that are vital for our health/life. It is from our environment that we get the air that we breathe. It is also from our environment that we get the water, the food, the clothes and other things that we need. 

Good environment helps us with keeping our body in shape because it makes us more healthy and less exposed to infections. We are happy mentally seeing a tidy environment and we can walk, move around because we have a good environment.

5. Staying Hydrated

Making sure we drink a lot of water everyday is important. Water, in our body is like fuel in our engine. It is what drives every activity in our body. More than 65% of our body weight is water. That tells a lot. And the blood which carries oxygen and nutrients to every part of our body is made up of mostly water. 

So, drinking enough water everyday makes sure we are not at any time short of adequate water. We always keep our body hydrated and not dehydrated. Also, taking healthy liquids like teas, juice, smoothie, and so on, helps our body systems.

So, those are the 5 ways of keeping our body in shape, friends. I hope you will find the information useful and apply them into your life. We’ll continue on other topics next week. Have a great week ahead and God bless you!

To read the previous article, please click on this link: 6 Foods You Can Cook In 10 Minutes


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