Precious Gifts

Welcome back friends. Trust your week was great. Mine was great too.

Today, I want to discuss something about precious gifts.

Few days ago, my heart was heavy. I was thinking about some things that didn’t make me happy. I was disturbed, but later comforted. 

You know as human beings, it’s easier for us to feel concerned about the problems we are going through, that we don’t consider the blessings that we have received. And we are quick to forget the goodness of the past, but keep remembering and worried about the needs of the future.

But we must always remind ourselves of the precious gifts that we have received, that are so special and significant in our lives. These are gifts that are vital in making us live a happy and fulfilled life.

Let’s look at some of them.

First, is the gift of life. It is a special gift that money cannot buy. No amount of resources that we have that can buy this gift. It is a package of boundless potentials and limitless possibilities. 

In this gift, we have so many amazing things. We can wake up every day and feel the joy, the breeze, the happiness that fills our soul. We can move our body and live joyfully. The gift of life allows us to enjoy the blessing of living our purpose and fulfilling our dreams.

We also have the gift of love. We are loved by our family, our friends, people around us, and our heavenly father. How beautiful is that! The scripture says – “Behold, what a manner of love the father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the children of God.” That means it’s such a special gift of love from the father to us for us to be His children. The Creator of the heavens and the earth. That is magnificent. That love is unfathomable and unspeakable.

If as parents we can love our children so much that we don’t want them to suffer or go through pains in life, how much more our heavenly father (who always has our good in mind) will satisfy us with good things? He always makes the best choice for us, even when we don’t know it. 

The gift of love is a special and precious one that we cannot fathom or exhaust. And we are yet to enjoy the miracle and mystery of this love.

Here is another gift – the gift of freedom. You can imagine how much freedom we have to do things. The freedom to wake up every morning and do whatever we want with our life. The freedom to open our mouth and speak. The freedom to eat. The freedom to take care of our family and our loved ones.

It is just a nice thing to be grateful for what we have and where we are. That if we are always grateful for little things, they will multiply and increase. 

Someone once said, whatever we appreciate, appreciates. In other words, whatever we are grateful for, multiplies. If we are grateful for life, it will multiply. If we are grateful for our family, business, work, finance, they will multiply. Our blessings will multiply and all the good things that we want in our lives will multiply if we are grateful.

So, it’s good to be grateful and appreciate where we are and what we have!

And here is the last but not the least gift I want to share – the gift of a comforter. By far, this is the greatest and the best gift yet. The gift to be comforted in the troubles of this world. 

When we go through difficulties and challenges, and all the problems of life and situations that are so overwhelming, we have a comforter. We have a guiding presence, an unwavering support and a divine embrace. He is a beacon of hope in the midst of life's storms, and an assurance that we are not alone, nor forsaken.

Dear friends, I bring you glad tidings. I bring you the news of the precious gifts that you have received. I want you to enjoy these gifts and let them enrich your life. May you always increase and flourish in every area of your life.

God bless you and have a wonderful week!

To read the previous article, please click on this link: 10 Important Areas to Ask Your Partner Questions Before You Marry Them

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