How to Make Money When There Is No Money (Part 2)

Welcome back friends. Now, to the story I wanted to share last week about a boy, named Femi. It is quintessential to what I've been talking about. His father died when he was 6, and his mother had to take care of him and his five siblings. Femi's mother was working as a secretary at a local firm and she had to struggle to take care of them. 

They hardly had enough food to eat, or good dress to put on. The house they were living was not completed till their father died. He wanted to complete the building soon enough, but his life was truncated. So, the house was left uncompleted. It was such a pathetic situation.

In this family of 7, things were really hard. The salary of Femi’s mother was not enough to cater for their needs. So, the only option Femi and his siblings had was to go look for what they can do. There was no money for school. So they hawk small items that their mother was selling on the street.

One day, Femi walked up to his mother's boss and asked if he could help him with anything, maybe to sweep or clean his office. The man was stunned by the young boy's courage to work for him. So, in trying to assist him, he told him to come and be cleaning his office every morning and he would pay him.

Femi was so happy. He ran home and told his mother. So, every morning, he was going to the man's office to clean it. And when he got admitted to school, he joggled the cleaning work with his studies. At a point, he was making some money from the work and was helping his siblings and taking care of his school.

Imagine what the young boy did. His action relieved his mother of the financial stress she was going through. And that was how his siblings also got motivated and reached out to other people who could need their help and make money. One of them was helping someone with mowing their lawns. Another one was teaching and taking care of someone's kids. The children all got occupied with doing something, thanks to what Femi did.

It is good to ask. And it is good to tell people what you can do.

If and only if you can summon courage to do some things, making money would never be a problem no matter what. Sometimes, some of us fear rejection, we fear what people would say, and stay in our problem. We keep complaining there is no money when there are needs out there to meet. When there are problems out there to solve.

In as much as you know what you are doing, you can start your money-making journey from anywhere, in a legitimate way. You can do something that can add value to people, and they would appreciate you for it.

You may not even be concerned about money at first, if what you are doing is adding value to people, they would surely appreciate you or at least want to pay you back in cash or in kind. Some people may not have money, but they have contact. You can leverage on that. Some may not have contact, but they have ideas, you can also leverage on that.

Whatever people have, you can leverage on it to solve your money problem.

Though it may be challenging at first, but it is definitely possible and doable. You can solve your money problem with your time. You can solve your money problem with your mind. You can use your time to think, and come up with ideas, and look for what to do for yourself or people around you to create value that they can pay you for. In the next article, I will share some ideas on how you can start a business with little or no money.

Have a great weekend and God bless you!


  1. This is a nice piece and I hope it is beneficial especially at this crucial period


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