5 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

Hello friends, welcome back. Trust your week has been great. Today, I want to share 5 surprising ways to lose weight. 

Just few days ago, I was scrolling through my social media and I came across one video where the guy was talking about how to lose weight. He said losing weight requires just shaking your head left to right frequently, that if someone approaches you with food, you continue shaking your head, so that eventually you don’t eat anything. 

I laughed and laughed. The ending part was funny because people would think the guy was serious. But he was only doing comedy. His point was – don’t eat food, and you will find yourself losing weight. Quite funny! Even though that’s going to be hard for anyone to do, balancing what we eat is also important for maintaining good weight.

Let me share 5 surprising ways to lose weight, when it comes to what you eat.

First, plan your meals: I discover that as simple as this sounds, many of us are guilty of it. Most times, it’s when we are hungry that we think of what to eat. And if we are somewhere that we can’t find what we want, we eat whatever is available. 

Planning our meals ahead could be a good way to regulate our body weight because we will eat exactly what we want, and not too much. We will not be rushing or feeling uncomfortable. We will also be able to put the right nutrients into our diet, while we watch what we eat. All these are necessary for maintaining a healthy weight.

Second, eat in bits: Eating in bits helps us to feel satisfied easily without loading our intestines with too much food. Heavy eating per meal is a sure way to increase body weight. Because the body will still feel hungry anyway, so it’s better to eat in bits. 

And when you eat a lot, you keep expanding your stomach which eventually increases the quantity of food that you eat per meal. You don’t feel satisfied easily. So, eating in bits is a good way to keep the stomach size moderate while you feel full early and digestion also takes place easily.

Third, reduce the amount of processed and junk foods: We all know eating processed and junk foods is not healthy for our diet. But yet, we still eat them. This is because the contents of these foods are designed to make us feel addicted and trigger our brains for more. 

So, when we keep eating them, we binge-eat and become increased in size. To lose weight, we’ve got to cut down on these foods. Instead of processed foods, we should eat fresh foods. And instead of junk foods, we should eat natural, organic foods.

Fourth, reduce the number of times you eat: Instead of going into marathon fasting like the funny guy said, you should reduce the number of times you eat. If you eat 5 times a day, you can reduce it to 3. If you eat 3 times, you can reduce it to 2, and so on. 

The idea is not to starve, but to reduce the quantity of food that enters your stomach in a day. And most times, you can drink more water, or add more fiber to your diet to reduce the quantity of calories that enters your body.

The last but not the least, is the common regimen we always talk about when it comes to losing weight which is exercise. But my approach with exercise is to focus on body movements and not necessary looking for a place to gym or doing strenuous activities everyday which one may not have time to do. 

While I’m not ruling out any of those, it is better to look for a more consistent and regular way to move your body and shake off those extra fat. It could be taking a daily walk, or doing physical activities like dancing or stretching, and so on. The idea is to avoid sedentary lifestyle.

We’ve got to move our body and move it very well. Life is in movement. So, to stay healthy, we’ve got to keep moving our body and eat healthy diet.

Have a beautiful weekend!

To read the previous article, please click on this link: https://abiolagold.blogspot.com/2022/08/how-to-love-people.html


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