
Showing posts from July, 2023

How I Choose My Friends

It’s a beautiful weekend, today. Welcome back to my blog, friends! Trust you’ve been having a great time this week. Today, I want to discuss about how I choose my friends . Few weeks back, I discussed about the value of friendship – a very interesting discussion. You can read it up here:  The Value of Friendship One of the qualities I look out for when I choose my friends is alignment of values. The Bible says “Can two work together except they agree?” For sure, whoever is going to be your friend must be someone you have some sort of connection with; or someone who has some qualities that you admire. It’s not easy to have a good friend. And it takes time to build trust with someone before they become a bosom friend. Friendship is built on trust and love . And just like any meaningful relationship, if you want to have a friend, you must be able to sacrifice things and look beyond yourself. Even though many people think friendship should be mutual. That is, both parties should be abl

Hope Doesn’t Disappoint

Happy Sunday friends. Thanks for stopping by. And trust your week has been good. Today, I want to share something about hope. It is titled -  Hope doesn't disappoint. In a world where so many things are falling apart and things are changing very fast, we need hope to keep us – not just alive, but assured . We need hope that will allay our fears and quell our concerns for the future.  When we think about our life, our children, our work, our families, our friends, our societies and everywhere around us, we may begin to feel concern for the future and how life will be in the next couple of years. But this is where hope comes in. We need hope to assure us and revitalize our faith in God. That when all hope in man is gone, there will be a hope that doesn’t disappoint. I love what Apostle Paul said in Romans 5:5. He said – “ Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. ” Some versions say –  "And ho


Welcome back friends! And Happy Sunday. Trust your week has been good and you’ve been doing well with your family. Today, I want to share something on  humility. In my 60 years of living, there is one thing I’ve always seen over and over again, and that is how humility has lifted people. Humility is having a modest view of who we are, and honoring the Lord and people in our heart. When we are humble, we will honor the Lord. And that attitude will extend to people.  Humility starts from the heart, and manifests in our acts.  It is not lowering our self-esteem or ridiculing ourselves before people, but honoring people and not thinking we are higher than anyone else. Humility will make you respect and value people. You will not look down on anyone. Irrespective of their age, position or status. You will know people can become anything and achieve anything. Humility will lift you. Humility will make you appreciate people and celebrate them. As we go through life and have a lot of achie

Q&A: "What Is the Number One Quality I Need to Look Out For In the Person I Want To Marry?"

Welcome back friends. Trust your week has been great and you’ve been doing well and your family. Today, I want to answer another question that someone asked. “ What is the number one quality I need to look out for in the person I want to marry?” Depending on individual’s beliefs and opinions. For me, I think the number one quality to look out for in any person you want to marry is the fear of the Lord . The fear of the Lord is paramount in anybody who wants to succeed and do great things in life. The Bible says “ the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. " – which means it is the fear of the Lord that makes anyone wise. And without wisdom we cannot succeed in this world. So, for anyone who wants to get married, such person must be conscious of this great quality in their potential partner. Now, what exactly is this fear of the Lord and why does it matter? The fear of the Lord is the mindset or consciousness of the Lord to keep doing what is right and avoiding evil. As human

Important Lessons I've Learned In My 60 Years

1. Learn to trust in God even during problems, if you had no problem, you wouldn’t know he could solve them. 2. Understand that life is full of disappointment, hopelessness, worries and also full of good things, but in whatever situation cherish the experiences. 3. Learn from your mistakes, take lessons from your errors to avoid the same in future. 4. Look forward to what plan God has for you and obey instructions. 5. Leave your pain behind, do not dwell in past sorrow, focus on your present to make a better future. 6. Pay attention, be patient, and open your see to what God is doing with you, take nothing for granted. 7. Understand that pains and trials are to make you stronger, get you close to God and reveal your purpose in life. 8. See problem as a challenge God wants you to sort, convert every negative thing to positive. 9. Do not allow fear and shame to stop you from doing what God wants you to do, let nothing hinder

Q&A: “How Can I Teach My Children About Sex?”

Happy new month friends! Thank God it’s July already – the beginning of the second half of the year. May we continue to experience the Lord’s goodness throughout the year and for the rest of our lives. Today, I want to answer a question – “ How can I teach my children about sex ?” This is a question I come across when I’m with parents, especially mothers. Teaching our children about sex is a very sensitive and important topic and we should not take it lightly. I know most times as parents, we shy away from talking about it. But we know with the advent of technology and internet today, our children can have access to everything, especially the teenagers. Sex is a topic that most children (if not all) are curious about, especially when they are growing toward that sexually-matured age and a lot of things are changing in their body and mind. It is important as parents that we give them the attention and education they need to help them grow through these fragile years. To address the t