Important Lessons I've Learned In My 60 Years

1. Learn to trust in God even during problems, if you had no problem, you wouldn’t know he could solve them.

2. Understand that life is full of disappointment, hopelessness, worries and also full of good things, but in whatever situation cherish the experiences.

3. Learn from your mistakes, take lessons from your errors to avoid the same in future.

4. Look forward to what plan God has for you and obey instructions.

5. Leave your pain behind, do not dwell in past sorrow, focus on your present to make a better future.

6. Pay attention, be patient, and open your see to what God is doing with you, take nothing for granted.

7. Understand that pains and trials are to make you stronger, get you close to God and reveal your purpose in life.

8. See problem as a challenge God wants you to sort, convert every negative thing to positive.

9. Do not allow fear and shame to stop you from doing what God wants you to do, let nothing hinder you.

10. You pain is to teach you humility and to help other people in the same situation in future.

11. Understand that life is a gift and tomorrow is not promised, take every opportunity as an advantage to be good to other people.

12. Never take your time for granted, learn from people, read books and try to acquire more knowledge

13. Learn be a motivation to other people in different ways, be an agent of change to your generation.

14. Understand your happiness and sadness is your decision, you decide how to handle your situation.

15. Live your best life every day and let God handle the rest, always condition your mind and spirit to God’s direction.

16. When you face life issues, even though it is difficult, try to calm yourself and handle it well.

17. Develop happiness in your sad days, if you let sadness take over you, it can be detrimental to other people.

18. God sees what you are going through, He is watching how you will handle every situation.

10 Lessons I Would Have Told My Single Self

19. The time you are single is a time to love God, walk in his ways and obey all his commandments, and love people.

20. Do things that you love best when you are waiting, occupy yourself doing things that you really love, satisfy yourself with everything that you love to do.

21. Stop worrying about things that does not matter, enjoy the time loving your family and friends.

22. Believe in God’s plan, it might be different from your plans but trust it, align with the will of God.

23. Love yourself dearly, relax and do not be afraid, everything will be okay.

24. Be proud of yourself for knowing God early in life, it will help giving direction and a meaningful life.

25. Stop trying to be somebody else, be authentic, you don not have to live like somebody, be real.

26. Do not dwell in self-doubt, you are more than enough, God made you complete, you have value and you matter.

27. Do not let anybody tell you that you can not do it, or you cannot make it in life, remember you can do all things through Christ that strengthens you.

28. Life is more beautiful and you have a beautiful life ahead you, your future is bright

29. Do not be afraid to start all over, do not let anybody deceive you, rest in the loving arms of God because has a perfect plan for you, just depend on God and trust him.

10 Lessons I Would Have Told My Younger Self

30. Do not be afraid, you have a father in heaven who knows the end from the beginning.

31. God has planned future for you, that you do not even know.

32. Even though you have no voice, be strong and know that every experience you are going through is a springboard to launch into your calling.

33. Always keep your head up and high, do not be ashamed because the tough time will pass away.

34. You are not a victim, it is just life.

35. Whatever you are passing through is for you to write your own story, and help people in that same situation.

36. Always remember no one is better than you, everyone is created in God’s image, you are wonderfully and beautifully made.

37. Do not allow failure to hold you back, move on. Keep working hard till attain success.

38. Believe God, your best days are ahead of you, your tomorrow is bright and beautiful, you have nice things ahead, you have God.


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