Q&A: “How Can I Teach My Children About Sex?”

Happy new month friends! Thank God it’s July already – the beginning of the second half of the year. May we continue to experience the Lord’s goodness throughout the year and for the rest of our lives.

Today, I want to answer a question – “How can I teach my children about sex?” This is a question I come across when I’m with parents, especially mothers. Teaching our children about sex is a very sensitive and important topic and we should not take it lightly. I know most times as parents, we shy away from talking about it. But we know with the advent of technology and internet today, our children can have access to everything, especially the teenagers.

Sex is a topic that most children (if not all) are curious about, especially when they are growing toward that sexually-matured age and a lot of things are changing in their body and mind. It is important as parents that we give them the attention and education they need to help them grow through these fragile years.

To address the topic of sex, one thing is important - not to feel shy about it. Parents should be comfortable talking about sex with their children. Otherwise, their children will go out and get all the information they need. And you know in that case, it might not be the right information they get.

Depending on the age of your child or children, educating them about sex can be a little tricky. There are different levels of sexual education. From getting familiar with the roles and functions of the sexual organs to understanding the physical and emotional aspects of sex and its consequences. Also, we can give our children a comprehensive sex education if they are already teenagers, which can help them make the right decisions about their sexual development.

Also, very importantly as believers, we know the scripture is effective in helping us teach our children about sex. The truth is contained in the word of God, and for everything we want to teach our children about sex are all contained in the word of God.

There are many stories in the Bible that can help us teach our children about sex. Starting from the first man and woman in the Bible – Adam and Eve. More, are the stories of Joseph, Esther, Ruth, Jacob and Rachael, and so on. Even in our world today, there are many stories of people that can help us discuss sex with our children without feeling ashamed about it.

One important thing we must note when talking with our children is to ask them questions. We should get to know what they know and what they don’t know. And to be sure they know the right things.

When you ask them questions, find out where to come in and what to help them with. Children, especially teenagers are curious and they need help, so it will be great to help them and show them you really care.

As a parent, giving your children your time and attention is a great investment that will yield good results in the future. Even when you don’t discuss sex with them, it’s good you just be with them and have time to feel each other and be comfortable.

It’s very important your children feel comfortable with you, otherwise they might not want to open up!

It’s not every time we discuss too much serious things. There are moments when we just spend time together without much discussions. It could just be to watch movies or play games together. All these can go a long way in making our children happy and comfortable around us. That is when they can open up and tell us exactly what they are going through.

It is also good not to judge or condemn them when they make mistakes. But to encourage them and support them – to show them they can do better next time; that there is always opportunity to grow and learn new things. So, encourage them in all these things and never shame them.

Also, very important, is for we as parents to be role models for our children. Children learn more by what they see than what they hear. It is what they see us do as parents that they will reciprocate. So, let’s live a life worthy of emulation and modesty.

May our children continue to grow in wisdom and stature, and the Lord will make them great and do well in life. 

God bless you and have a great week!

To read the previous article, please click on this link: How Do You Keep Fit And Stay In Shape?


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