Hope Doesn’t Disappoint

Happy Sunday friends. Thanks for stopping by. And trust your week has been good.

Today, I want to share something about hope. It is titled - Hope doesn't disappoint.

In a world where so many things are falling apart and things are changing very fast, we need hope to keep us – not just alive, but assured. We need hope that will allay our fears and quell our concerns for the future. 

When we think about our life, our children, our work, our families, our friends, our societies and everywhere around us, we may begin to feel concern for the future and how life will be in the next couple of years.

But this is where hope comes in. We need hope to assure us and revitalize our faith in God. That when all hope in man is gone, there will be a hope that doesn’t disappoint.

I love what Apostle Paul said in Romans 5:5. He said – “Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” Some versions say – "And hope does not put us to shame." Now we know hope does not disappoint because the love of Christ has been shed abroad in our hearts.

Whatever we go through or experience, hope will always keep us alive. It will always keep our strength, faith, confidence and trust in God ALIVE. It is by this hope that we will reach our promise land and triumph over life situations.

For many of us, one of the fears that we dread most is the fear of the unknown. And we know none of us knows everything about the future. We only make plans and do things as the days come by. But without hope, we are not sure of whether we will be able to do those things. So, life is only assured in the hand of the One who made it. And that is why hope is important to insure our life and plans in Him.

One of the verses of the Bible I love is – "Christ in you, the hope of glory." It is the hope that guarantees the future. It is the hope that doesn't disappoint!

We are therefore encouraged to serve the Lord and do our work. We should be confident in the Lord and be assured in His word – that even as things keep changing in the world and things remain unstable, we have confidence in the Lord and in the power of His word. We are not moved by the turbulence of the world. But we have the peace of Christ within us.

The Lord, in His kindness and magnanimity has assured us and encouraged us not to lose hope or trust in Him. He said, He knows the thoughts that He has for us. They are thoughts of good and not of evil, to give us a hope and a future. That is our life!

So, it is vital we receive this hope that only the Lord gives. And let this hope keep us alive forever.

So, friends, trust this post has blessed you. Kindly share with family and friends. And let them also be a partaker of this. May the Lord bless you and continue to increase you. Have a wonderful week ahead.

To read the previous article, please click on this link: Humility


  1. Yes, it is only the Lord Jesus Christ that gives hope in life. Thank you.


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