
Welcome back friends! And Happy Sunday. Trust your week has been good and you’ve been doing well with your family.

Today, I want to share something on humility.

In my 60 years of living, there is one thing I’ve always seen over and over again, and that is how humility has lifted people.

Humility is having a modest view of who we are, and honoring the Lord and people in our heart. When we are humble, we will honor the Lord. And that attitude will extend to people. 

Humility starts from the heart, and manifests in our acts. It is not lowering our self-esteem or ridiculing ourselves before people, but honoring people and not thinking we are higher than anyone else.

Humility will make you respect and value people. You will not look down on anyone. Irrespective of their age, position or status. You will know people can become anything and achieve anything. Humility will lift you. Humility will make you appreciate people and celebrate them.

As we go through life and have a lot of achievements, the thought of being great and being a person of honor and substance begins to fill our mind. We begin to see ourselves as being reputable and prestigious - someone of a special status and class. 

We may not want to associate with old friends. We may also not want to go back to the old ways or old things. We just believe it’s good to keep moving forward and associating with the new class of people and environment. And that is good. There is nothing bad in that. 

But as we go through life and have all these achievements and acquired statuses and positions, it’s important to keep ourselves in check so that we don’t overvalue ourselves and look down on others. 

There is a high tendency of not willing to lower ourselves to the level of people under us or even associate with them. But it’s important we remember where we are coming from and help those under us.

Wherever we are, whatever we have, we should remember the Lord. We should remember the giver of life and all good things. By strength shall no man prevail. And it is not by power or might, but by the Spirit of the Lord. 

It is because of the Lord we are able to have all the great achievements we have in our lives. 

I know as human beings, we have tendency to be proud. We have tendency to look at ourselves, and feel big, and feel we are something. We have money. We have power. We have titles. We have people. We have practically everything we want. 

But there is no where we get to in life that it is all by our power. It is the Lord who has brought us there. Even if we use our strength, and talents, and intelligence and abilities, they all come from the Lord. There is nothing we have that we have not received from the Lord!

It is important we keep ourselves humble and honor the Lord in our hearts. No matter where we get to or who we become, we should always give glory to the Lord. We should always honor Him in our hearts.

Remember Lucifer, he was the greatest among angels in heaven who were singing unto the Lord. But when he became proud, the Lord demoted him and sent him out of heaven. Now, he’s an enemy of God. Pride makes one becomes enemy of God.

The same story was that of Vashti, the queen. She overestimated herself and dishonored the king. She was demoted and Esther, a humble woman became the new queen and she glorified the Lord with her position.

The Lord has a way of lifting those who are humble and keeping them at the top. He despises the proud. But lifts the humble.

I love Jesus! He is an epitome of humility. As being God himself, He left his throne, and came to earth. He was chastised. He was accused. He was shamed and ridiculed. And people insulted him and spit on him. 

Even though he knew he was God and could do anything to those people. He didn’t. He was humble and lowered himself, even till the death of the cross. And now God has highly exalted him, and gave him name that is above every name. 

That at the mention of the name of Jesus, every knee must bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth, and every tongue must confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the father. That is the reward of humility – upliftment!

I encourage you dear friends, to humble yourself and let the Lord lift you up. Let His mighty hand take you to high places that are beyond your widest imagination. With patience and love, you will get to your promise land. 

And also remember to help others. Use what you have to support them and let them glorify the Lord in your life. God bless you and have a great week!

To read the previous article, please click on this link: Q&A: What Is the Number One Quality I Need to Look Out For In the Person I Want to Marry?


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