One Important Thing Going Into the New Year

Hi friends! Welcome back. How are you doing in this new year? It's still the beginning of the year and everything is nice and cozy. The trees are still twinkling and the decorations are still gleaming. So, we should start the year on a good note.

How are your plans and activities going? Hope you are finding light on the way. 

A few days ago, I was thinking about how last year and other years went, and I realized there are so many things to be thankful for.

This is not even that everything was perfect or there weren't any challenges along the way. But because I realized that whenever I was grateful, things changed for the better. I saw the mighty hand of God in my life and my family. So, the attitude of gratitude is the attitude that I want us to have this year. It is the attitude that brings peace and joy. It is the attitude that brings hope and faith.

I know I've talked a lot about gratitude on my blog. It's because it's a topic that cannot be overemphasized! The more we are grateful for what we have, the more we will receive. 

I can't mention all the goodness of the Lord that I've experienced because of gratitude. No wonder the Bible says – “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!” Because that is a winning attitude. It is a prevailing attitude. It is an attitude that solves problems and brings down mountains. It is an attitude that makes a way where there is no way, and brings water in the desert.

The attitude of gratitude is the attitude that the children of Israel had when their enemies waged war against them. The Lord told them to come out in joy and express gratitude to Him in praise. It sounds foolish when your enemies are coming with sophisticated weapons and you are coming with dancing and singing. Eventually, the enemies of the Lord were put to shame and they killed themselves all while the children of God went back home in victory.

The same attitude of gratitude was what Paul and Silas had when they were put in the prison because of preaching the gospel. They were put in the inner portion of the prison where it would be impossible for them to escape - bound with chains and shackles. But Paul and Silas had a spirit that would not be destroyed. They had an attitude of gratitude.

In the middle of the night, they started singing to the Lord. And lo and behold, the foundation of the prison got shaken and their chains got loosed. They became free and the locked doors were open.

When the prison guard woke up, he was terrified and wanted to kill himself because he thought Paul and Silas had escaped. But they rushed to him and rescued him. They told him they were there with him and couldn't go away because they were fighting a good cause. That night, the prison guard believed the Lord, and he and his household were saved. That is an attitude of gratitude!

An attitude of gratitude will bring solution and salvation. It will bring peace and joy.

I believe we can apply that same attitude into our lives. We can bring solutions and salvation to any challenging part of our life. Dear friends, what are you going through right now? What is difficult for you to handle - that is frustrating, disappointing, and annoying for you? I know it might be hard to do, but when you apply this attitude of gratitude, you will surely see a result.

If you will leave your problem aside and focus on gratitude, you will have a testimony!

As you go into this new year, I want you to develop that attitude. I want you to look into your life and share the testimony of what the Lord has done. Think of one thing that the Lord has done. If you can't remember anything, remember the gift of life that you have in you right now. Remember the health, the strength, the wisdom, the peace, and all the good things that you have in your life right now, including the amazing people that God has blessed you with.

Be grateful for all of these!

Thank God for where He has brought you from. And thank Him for where He's taking you to.

I love what Oprah Winfrey said. She said - "Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough." That is so true. For us as humans, it's easy to focus on what we don't have. It is easy to think of where we want to be while we don't appreciate where we are coming from.

But this year, we want to change that attitude. We want to have an attitude of gratitude. We want to be always thankful and grateful for the goodness of the Lord in our lives. And I believe as you do so, you will continue to see the mighty hand of the Lord in your life. God bless you and have a great weekend.

To read the previous article, please click on this linkWelcome to 2024, Friends!

You can also check out these posts:
1. What Should You Be Grateful For?


  1. So true! Thanks for the Wonderful message. We need to be reminded always, considering what's going on in many parts of the world right now.


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