Looking Back Through the Year

A warm welcome back to you, dear friends, after a while. It’s been three days. I’ve been a bit engaged with things – activities, work, family, events… and so on. Thankfully, it’s all good news! 

Thank God for His goodness and faithfulness. And thank you, friends, for your love and support throughout the year. I appreciate your comments and ideas on my blog and in my DMs. You’re so amazing!

How has the year been so far for you? It’s already end of the year. This year has passed so fast that I hardly keep tabs on the beginning of the new months. Friends do send me cheerful “happy new month” messages, which remind me of the seamless passage of time. (smiles)

A lot has happened this year, from personal issues to general events. Perhaps there were plans that you made at the beginning of the year—how many were you able to achieve? Did you feel the year has been fulfilling for you so far? What do you think happened this year that made all the difference in your life? Do you think you are ready for the journey of the new year?

Let’s take a moment of reflection and look through the year. Reflection offers clarity. So, you can just start by asking yourself those questions and answer them genuinely.

If what you planned to achieve this year has not been accomplished, what happened? What have you not done? What do you need to do differently to achieve it next year?

Progress is the pulse of a productive life. So, we need regular self-assessment to help us measure how far we’ve moved along the journey of our life’s purpose.

We know life is short. But it’s always good to juxtapose that with the boundless possibilities and opportunities we have in it. Even though time is limited, life is not. And we can do so much within the time given to us to function on earth.

Our achievements can transcend time and extend to generations. That’s why we shouldn’t be limited by the idea that life is short. Instead, we should believe that it is limitless, and we have enough time to do whatever we want to do in life.

The important thing is to focus on what you want to do in life. Focus on your assignment. Make sure what you are doing is right for you and your purpose. If you are walking in line with your purpose, there is no limit in time to what you can achieve. So, focus on your purpose, not on the limitations you have around you.

This year for me has been one of the remarkable years of my life. It was the year I turned 60—a milestone that speaks volumes about how far I’ve come and the Lord’s grace has brought me. 

This is also the year of significant personal growth and challenges. It is this year that so many impromptu things came up that I didn’t plan for, but the Lord took control, and everything went well. 

It was also the year when some of my children had their weddings and new beginnings. I give all glory to the Lord for all the great events that happened this year, and I eagerly look forward to the blessings of the new year, 2024.

I believe that in the few weeks remaining before the year ends, the sun in the sky is still potent enough to dry clothes. If you have anything in mind that you still want to achieve, the sky is the limit to what you can do. 

Don’t let time limit you. If you have the will, you have the way. The only thing hindering you might be procrastination. If you keep postponing when you will do it, you will never do it. So, take that step of faith now and do what you want to do. Don’t wait until next year to begin; start doing it now!

I see the Lord granting you fresh grace and strength to achieve all your heartfelt desires and succeed in all your endeavors. God bless you, and have a great week.

To read the previous article, please click on this linkThe Liberating Power of Forgiveness

You can also check out these posts:
1. Christmas Is Coming


  1. That was very interesting.

  2. Very good job you doing.

  3. In this article blog I learnt so many things but most importantly I have been reminded never to give up with my goals. Just like the saying goes “ The sun outside is still very much capable to dry clothes”

    This year for me has been a year of grace and favor and also a roller coaster of emotions for me. In this year I had good times and downtimes. In all God saw me through and will continue to see me, family and friends through. Amen!!!

  4. Really inspiring....."spell out those things that made you not to achieve your goal, and there is to no limit what you can achieve if you work towards your life purpose"


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