Happy 2023; What’s In the New Year?

Helloooo dear friends, Happpyyyyy Newwwww Yearrrrrrrrrrr! How has the new year been? Hope you are having a great time with your family and enjoying your holidays. Just like yesterday we entered the new year, and before you know it, we’re already counting days and weeks. That's how it is. 

By the way, have you made plans for the new year or do you have plans for the new year?

Usually, at this time of the year, people will come out with their new year resolutions. They will tell what they want to do in the new year, and most times, few people follow through. After the first few months, all the new year euphoria would wane and many people would relapse into their old ways.

But why?

I know change is not easy to make, and while there are so many reasons for this, the main thing is to learn from the past, and make better decisions this year.

It’s important to understand few things as we go into the new year if we don’t want to repeat the same thing last year. 

For me, I’ve taken time to examine how my last year was and things that I needed to work on. This year, I want to make sure whatever plans I have, I follow them through and apply principles that will make them work.

Here are few things I think we should understand and pay attention to, going into the new year.

1. Be willing to embrace change. If you have plans for the new year (which I think everyone should have), be willing to embrace change no matter what. With all the plans you have made, change will surely happen one way or the other. And sometimes, it is not what you expect. 

So, your ability to embrace change will give you the willpower to go ahead with executing your plans anyway. You will find alternative ways around every challenge that comes your way. And you will be able to work with the new plans and go new routes if they will help you achieve your goals.

2. Be willing to set realistic goals. You don’t need to force yourself into doing what you know you don’t have capacity to do now, just because you want to please other people. If you know you can’t do something, be willing to accept it and move on. There are many things you can do and get better at. That’s what you should focus on.

So, while setting a goal for yourself this year, make sure it’s a realistic goal. Don’t say you will lose 10kg in 2 days. Or you will make 1 million dollars in 1 month. These are unrealistic goals. And as much as you want to apply faith, apply faith within your capacity. Let work follow your faith, because faith without work is dead

3. Be willing to celebrate your little wins. With all the little achievements you’ve had in the past, celebrate yourself, and appreciate all those little wins. That goes a long way. 

If you don’t celebrate the little wins you have, you can't celebrate the bigger ones. Because little wins open doors for bigger ones. So, the more you appreciate what you have, the more success will come your way.

4. Don’t compare yourself with others. I see many of us easily fall into the trap of comparison and envy. We see our fellow human beings and we wish we were them or have what they have. But you can’t be any other person than you. 

You are you, and you must be you! 

So, you don’t need to compare yourself with anyone. The only person you should compare yourself with is you of yesterday. You want to see yourself becoming better everyday. Not looking at what others are doing and be envious of them. 

You can be encouraged, motivated, and challenged by what others are doing, but not comparing yourself with them. If what they are doing is not in alignment with your purpose, you have no business doing what they are doing. And so, that takes us to the next point which is –

5. Get busy with your own assignment. Fulfillment comes from doing your own assignment. So, get busy with your own assignment. Your assignment is a collection of the things that you have to do here to achieve your purpose. 

It includes things related to your passion, vision, goals, and many more things that you love to do. So, don’t waste your time watching others when you have a lot of things to do.

And when you are busy with your own assignment, you have no time watching others. In fact, one of the ways to get rid of distractions is to get busy with your assignment. So, this year, stay focused and get busy with your own assignment.

In conclusion, in this new year, be willing to go extra mile. Be ready to do new things. Just do things that will add value to you and people around you. Be determined to give it all it takes to do your best and become the better version of yourself.

Life is an opportunity, and you should make sure you maximize this year and let it be a year of purpose and success for you. I see you doing great things this year. God bless you and have a prosperous year.

Hearty Cheers!

To read the previous article, please click on this link: 7 Lessons I Learned In 2022


  1. Happy new year ma, may we have a fulfilled year and many years to come 🙏


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