7 Lessons I Learned In 2022

Happy weekend, friends. And finally, today is the last day of 2022. 

What is the best way to end the year if not to look back and reflect on the lessons learned in the year? 

I was optimistic for the year, and thank God, my hope was not down. Even though, there were many things that happened this year, including the Russia-Ukraine War, which affected a lot of our people. 

But thank God for life and His protection. And I use this opportunity again to pray for Ukraine, that God’s peace will reign and lasting solutions would be found.

In the year, I learned a lot, and I want to share some of them with you.

First is - How to Experience True Joy. One of the most important lessons I’ve learned this year is how to experience true joy. I saw for myself that true joy comes from helping people. 

As simple as that sounds, it's so powerful. Just doing something that brings smile on people's faces and make them happy - is a secret to being happy yourself. I cannot overemphasize this! 

And if God is the source of true joy, and He created people in His image and likeness, then making people happy will make God happy, which will make you happy as well. 

That’s a good chain reaction that once you trigger it, it sets you up for life. And how lovely is that!

Second is - Decide on What You Want to Do And Tell Someone Close to You. 
Around this time last year I decided to do some things this year. So, I shared with my friend. Before you know it, I started doing them and my friend was following up on the progress. 

Even though, I didn’t do everything, but I’m grateful for the progress I made this year. And I believe it’s because I shared my plans. So, it’s good to decide on what to do and share it with someone.

Third is - Being Patient Solves A Lot of Problems. When you are patient, you learn and understand many things. Many things that we are confused about life will be understood with time if we are patient. 

There’s no need to struggle for what is not yours. If something is yours, with patience, you will get it. 

And I’m not saying you should not be active or take action towards what is yours. I’m only saying it is important to be patient in getting what is yours. That even though it delays, it will surely come. I learned that a lot this year.

Fourth is - Change Is Inevitable. This year, I found change in everything I do. And it just dawn on me that it is not just part of life, but it is inevitable. 

A lot of things actually happened this year that made me believe I could change things. And though change might not be easy, it is important if we want to make progress.

Fifth is - Money Is Important, But Service Is More.
 A lot of times we value money, and that is good. But something is more important than money, and that is service. Service is what we offer people to add value to them. 

You can make good money, but if you don’t let that money serve people, it is useless. 

Everything about money should be around service. Our making money should come from service. And our giving money should also go to service. Everything we are doing about money should be around service. 

And like Martin Luther King Jr. said -"Not everybody can be famous. But everybody can be great, because greatness is determined by service." And that would make our money more valuable and appreciated by people.
Sixth is - Open Mindedness Is Important For Learning. I came across some things this year that were new and strange to me. At first, I didn't understand them but as time went on, I understood them. 

Open mindedness is important for learning. I learned that this year. If you are not open-minded, you will not learn new things and you will not grow. 

When you are open-minded, you will be willing to receive other people’s ideas and juxtapose with yours. You will want to accommodate people and accept them as who they are, not judging or criticizing them, but loving and influencing them positively.

Seventh is - New Adventures Expose You to New Things. In this year, I made new adventures and that exposed me to a myriad of new things. I traveled to Dubai for vacation. And lo, it was beyond my expectation. 

I saw amazing things that blew my mind. I saw new things. I met new people. It was just great. I found out that making new adventures is one of the key secrets of living a happy life. You will have a new experience and orientation about life. It’s just so amazing!

In conclusion, I found out that though this year has been full of ups and downs, there are so many lessons and values that you and I can benefit from and make better our next year. 

I pray the new year comes with all the success and achievements that you desire and you will celebrate them this time next year. 

God bless you and have a great new year. See you in 2023!

Much love ❤️ ❤️

To read the previous article, please click on this link: https://abiolagold.blogspot.com/2022/12/making-this-christmas-special.html


  1. Love that. Happy new year to you and your family.

    1. Thanks for reading. Happy New Year.

  2. Very interesting and awakening article.


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