The Fear of the Unknown

Dear friends, welcome back. Trust your week has been great. And I hope this coming week will bring you good news and happiness. Today, I want to share something on fear. It is the fear of the unknown.

This is the most common fear ever known. It is the fear that troubles our mind and sometimes cripples it. It has made some of us to be passive and unable to achieve our goals.

I remember many years ago, I had problem handling this fear. I was worried and anxious about every little thing, especially things that I don’t know. I think and think, and pound my head over many things. 

When it comes to what I don’t know, I fear. I’m afraid to handle that thing and eventually I may not do anything. I later observed that this is the fear that many of us have as well. It is the fear that makes us to be labile and passive about life.

We fear the unknown. We fear what we are not aware or informed about. We fear the future. In fact, we fear tomorrow. Some people say "no one knows tomorrow". What that statement does is that it puts fear in their mind. 

They become crippled by the fact that they can’t make any concrete decision or action towards their future. And I remember that sometimes, when I had this fear, I would know what to do, but would not be able to do it.

And this fear just make people to assume that since no one knows tomorrow, it’s better to just wait and see what happens. But this is a passive way of living life. It is not an active way.

When you don’t know tomorrow, you do nothing about it. No one wants to do what they don’t know anything about. Everybody wants to do only what they know and be sure that it will produce result. 

Because it is knowledge (knowing) that brings confidence, and it is confidence that brings result!

Confidence and boldness are in the same family. And you remember the scripture that says - "for the Lord God has not given us the spirit of fear, but the spirit of power, love and sound mind." 

So, that means having the knowledge of this puts confidence in us. And also having the knowledge of the Word of God that talks about our future, puts more confidence in us and allays our fear about the future.

Let's look at another scripture – “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, they are thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” This is a bold statement! 

Now that you know the thought that your heavenly father has towards you, would you still be afraid of your future? When you know that your life is God’s project, you will not be afraid how your life will end. You will have confidence and assurance that He who has started good works in you will surely perfect it, even till the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

You know now that there’s nothing to worry about again in your future. It is good to make plans and do whatever you need to do. Ultimately, you know that His Will will be fulfilled in your life. 

And again, this doesn’t mean the thoughts about fear will not trespass your mind. They will always come. But now, you have an antidote. You can handle them. You are not afraid of the unknown because you know the word of God and His plans for your life.

I will share something more next week.  

Have a blessed week people of God!

To read the previous article, please click on this link:


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