The Hope That Keeps Us Alive

Dear friends! Welcome back. It’s one week already since my last post. Thank God for life and good health.

I know at this time, so many things are happening in and around us. From political instabilities to economic challenges and increase in food prices; everything is now expensive and things are becoming more challenging for people.

Many are finding it difficult to eat and take care of their basic expenses. And there are also no jobs to compensate for the increased cost of living. So, things are really challenging for people now. But what can we do in a time as this?

I know there could be so many answers to this. But what came to my mind as I ruminate through these situations is to not lose hope.

Hope is the energy that keeps our spirits alive. Without hope, we lose energy and passion for life. We are no longer interested in anything. And we could even think of taking away our life. But when we keep hope alive, we keep our faith and trust in God alive and we believe in the betterment of our future.

We believe things will get better, sooner or later. Being alive is the only way to enjoy life. And if we are not alive, we can’t live life. Needless to say we can’t enjoy it. It is hope that keeps us alive even as we go through turbulence and difficult times —that despite all that we go through now, we will surely overcome.

We will fulfill purpose and achieve our dreams. We will flourish and reign on earth. And God’s glory will be fully manifested in our lives.

One scripture that I keep repeating to myself is that —"In all these things, we are more than conquerors through him that loved us." —Rom.8:37. That is the confidence that we have and that is the confession of our faith.

We know and believe that despite all that we are going through now, we are more than conquerors. And we’ll surely overcome all the difficulties and challenges that we are going through now.

Also, in the scripture when Apostle James was admonishing us that we should count it all joy when we are going through diverse trials and temptations. That those things are for the moment. And we will soon overcome them and have good rewards for going through them.

Yes, there are rewards for going through all the difficulties that we are going through now. And we should not be discouraged, but stay motivated to go through them and be joyful that those challenges will bring us great rewards.

Like someone once said that there is no testimony without test. It is test that brings testimony. And that is the beauty of it. Every time we are tested and pass the test, we have testimony.

So, dear friends, I encourage you today to trust in the Lord and believe in your future. I want you to keep your hope alive. Keep your trust alive and faith in God. And as you make the efforts and moves to see that things get better and life sweeter, it will work out for you.

If there is need to ask for help, please do. If there is need to work things out, please go ahead. Don't wait for the miracle. Make it happen. 

And the Lord will make His face shine upon you and give you grace and strength to go through all the moments that you are going through and come out in triumph and more than conqueror. The Lord bless you.

Have a wonderful weekend!


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