Feeling Discouraged?

Hello friends, welcome back to my blog. Trust your week has been good.

Few days ago, I was reminiscing over couple of things and I thought I should share something about feeling discouraged. 

I know there are many situations that make us feel discouraged in life. And that doesn’t mean something is wrong with us. We might be going through difficult situations, and they are so frustrating for us to handle or deal with.

Before you feel discouraged, you’ve probably tried your best, did everything you could, but nothing still worked. Everything still remained standstill and you wondered if you would ever get solution or come out of the problem.

Discouragement could also come from not receiving appreciation from people. When you are doing good and nobody is appreciating you, you feel discouraged. More so, when people are paying your good back with evil, you wonder if you should continue doing good or become indifferent.

Nonetheless, the feeling of discouragement is most times hard to deal with. There are many examples of people who felt discouraged but were never defeated.

The story of Naomi is a good example. Naomi was a woman who faced many adversities that made her felt discouraged. She thought she was cursed and unfortunate. She’d lost her husband and her two sons. Her two daughters-in-law wouldn’t want to leave her so that they can console her. But she begged them to leave, wanting to suffer the agony and misery alone. But Ruth wouldn’t go. The other lady went. So, she and Ruth lived together.

Few years later, a miracle happened. Ruth got married to Boaz and they had a child, Obed. Obed became the ancestral father of Jesus. And what an honor to be in the genealogy of Christ. Everybody was happy for Naomi – saying “Praise be to the Lord, who this day has not left her without a guardian-redeemer.” Naomi’s story eventually turned to a testimony.

Job also had difficult experiences that discouraged him but he didn’t give up. He suffered the loss of wife, children, and everything he had. But he didn’t die in frustration. He lived to experience restoration and the Lord brought back in multiple folds everything he had lost. The same thing happened for David.

Jesus, at a time in His ministry also felt discouraged and frustrated by people’s actions. But He didn’t lose His spirit. He was consoled by Holy Spirit and He prevailed. He fulfilled His assignment on earth.

So, I encourage you dear friends, that whatever you might be going through right now, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. There is joy at the break of a new day.

The issue when you feel discouraged is that you should not let it bring you down. You should let your strength be renewed in the Lord, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.  

I believe the Lord will uphold you and His grace will empower you and make you prevail over every difficulty and challenge that you might be going through.

I see your situations turning into testimonies in Jesus Name. God bless you!

To read the previous article, please click on this link: Little Things that Make the Difference


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