Little Things that Make the Difference

Summer is so much here with us. Thank God for good health and wellbeing. Warm greetings to you friends from wherever you are reading from. Welcome back to my blog.

Today I want to share something about little things that make the difference in our lives.

There are many things we do that make the difference. And most times we pay attention to the big things. But small things also count. And it is those small things that we do most times and they make a big difference in our lives.

Little things are things that require little or no efforts and we pay little attention to. They are part of our daily lives and routines. And because of this, they are easy to trivialize and take for granted. But the effect they have could impact our lives on the long run.

For example, waking up in the morning to brush your teeth might sound trivial, but it has so much effect on your oral hygiene and how people are comfortable talking with you.

The same thing goes for taking shower and dressing well. That might look regular and usual, but it has a far-reaching effect on how people perceive you and how you feel about yourself.

Sometimes, the little things could take a while to accumulate before they end up becoming big things in our lives. Another example is the food we eat. Though we eat everyday. But what we eat everyday matters because that is what will have a long-lasting effect on our health, and consequently on our life.

There are many of these little things that make the difference, but let’s look at some other examples.

Cleaning up your room and making your bed: There is just a way you feel when you see your room clean and make your bed. It gives you this sense of comfort, serenity and peace. You feel good and happy with yourself. And you can think well when you are in an organized and orderly environment.

Doing the laundry: Washing your clothes and dressing them well add value to your appearance and body hygiene. When you meet people, people like to listen to you and address you nicely because of the way you dress. Also, you look responsible and someone that people believe will take important things seriously. People don’t give much attention to those who dress shabbily or casually. Our appearance tells more about our mannerism and the state of our home.

Dressing your hair and making up: This is another little thing that makes the difference. Putting on a nice hairstyle as a man or woman will surely make you look decent and appreciable. And for we women, adding simple make-up or keeping natural will portray beauty and elegance.   

Mowing the lawn: Taking care of your surroundings and dressing the grasses keep your environment clean and make the pests and insects go away. More so, the house looks presentable and appreciable by people who come around and spend time with you.

Planting a garden: This could be a good way to invest in nature and have access to fresh and natural farm produce. At this summer time, it’s a good season to do some farming. This can ultimately contribute to your health. More so, the garden has a way of making you connect with nature and appreciate the goodness of the Father.

Cooking a nice meal for your family: This also is part of the usual things we do, but it goes a long way. Just having time during the weekend to cook a nice meal for your family and eat together can be a great way to connect and share happy moments. There, you can express your thoughts, ideas and feelings on what you are going through.

Giving someone a good smile: Something as simple as giving someone a good smile could also go a long way. I can’t count how many times people have told me my smile brings them joy. It makes them happy. And I’m glad every time I hear that. I always want to do more. I can’t imagine something as simple as expressing smile could do great wonders on people. I want to encourage people more and make them more happy.

Calling someone on phone and knowing how they are doing: This is definitely not an herculean task. It is something we do whenever we want. So, picking up your phone and calling someone you’ve not talked with for a long time could mean a lot to them.

More so, you want to know how they are faring and what’s going on in their life. This will help you to know how to care for them and what support to give them. Also, this will make them appreciate you more for your care and concern for them.

Going for your favorite sport and gym: It’s good you engage in sports. It keeps you fit and healthy. I go for Zumba dance and I enjoy it. Also, I registered at gym and go couple of times in a week. I believe active movements of our body will keep our body alive and keep sickness away.

Changing a bad habit: There may be some habit you want to change. For example, eating late in the night, or going late for events. There are couple of things you might want to change. Sometimes, it can even be addictions. These might be things that affect your health or lifestyle. And they can go away as soon as you are ready to change them. 

It starts with just taking the first step. Removing the trigger, changing your environment and doing things that support your new habit. This might not be an easy journey but it's surely possible. One step will lead to another and you are on your way out of that rut.

Making little savings: Finally, I want to touch on finances. It’s good you make little efforts on your finances. The little efforts you make today will guarantee your financial freedom tomorrow. We know it’s droplets of water that make an ocean. And as you keep dropping little amounts into your account, you will see yourself accumulating more and more money before you know it.

So, every little step you make in life will mount up to something big in life. Therefore, don’t trivialize every little step you make. And the little efforts and actions you do today will surely bring you great results tomorrow. So, keep doing good for yourself and everyone around you. I see you making meaningful progress because of the little things you do. Have a blessed week ahead.

Hearty cheers!

To read the previous article, please click on this link: How to Deal with Racism


  1. Very Very Lovely advice Little things that can make difrent.Thanks


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