The Value of Friendship

On a bright Saturday morning with a cozy atmosphere and a frenzy breeze, I say a warm welcome to my blog, dear friends. Trust you’ve been having a great time and doing well with your family.

Today, I want to share something about friendship. This is a topic I’m excited to talk about because it has so much influence in my life. I have amazing friends and I’m always thankful to God for their lives.

I’m someone who loves people, and loves to do things for people. And despite the fact that there are so many experiences I’ve had about people and relationship, I can still say the value of friendship is second to none!

God created us together so that we can do things for one another and fellowship together. Friends are important in our lives. They are God’s blessings in our lives. When we have good friends, we have support. We have good companions. We don’t live alone or do things alone. We are simply happy living our life.

At a point in time in our lives, we’ll always need the support of others. We will always need the help of other people. That is where friends come in. They cheer us up. They talk with us. They encourage us. And they do things for us.

When we go through difficult times, we have friends to talk to. When we need support with anything, we have friends to turn to. This is not even that we are depending on them. But we are just happy they are God’s blessing in our lives. They are people of great value that we shouldn’t trivialize. It’s expensive to have good friends. And if you have them, please don't trivialize them.

For some of us that have had challenges with friends, I encourage us not to give up on people. Learn from your experiences and move on. God always has a way of compensating us with good people. We always have the opportunity to meet new people. And when we meet new people, let’s pay attention to important things. Let’s use our discernment to find godly people. People of like minds and godly heart. People who are selfless and honest.

It’s important we also become good friends. Not only to look for good friends. But to be the good friends that other people want to have. Everybody loves good things. And if you are a good friend, people will want to be your friend. They will want to relate well with you and be happy being around you. So, let’s create a good atmosphere for others to relate with us. Let’s be more loving and caring.

I love what Jesus said. He said we are His friends. That is a high level of humility. He lowered Himself and put Himself in our league. So that we can be His friends. And in deed, we are His friends. We can learn so much from Him. He’s loving. He’s caring. He is trustworthy. Oh! What a friend we have in Jesus!

I encourage you dear friends, to find a friend in Jesus. Let Him be the Lord of your life and your great help in a time of trouble. He knows what you are going through and what you need. He will harken to your voice and answer your prayers. I see you enjoying a great friendship with Him and living a wonderful life. God bless you and have a great weekend.

To read the previous article, please click on this link: What Make Mothers Special


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