What Makes Mothers Special

Happy Sunday friends and Happy Mother's Day (for those of us in the US & Canada). Welcome back to my blog. Trust you’ve been doing well and your family. 

As this year is going, I pray may we fulfill our goals for the year and continue to live a happy life.

Today, I want to share something about mothers. We know mothers are special. They are God’s vessels of nurturing and caring to the world. This season is when we celebrate mothers as mother’s day is starting from today and people are preparing to do something for their mothers.

There are 7 points I want to share about mothers. Here are they;

First, mothers are nurturers: They are people who carry pregnancy, nurture their baby right from the womb to being born and to becoming an adult. They breastfeed, take care of their children, and give them all the support and attention they need to grow and mature into an adult man or woman.

Second, mothers love their children unconditionally: Yes, we know mothers have undying love for their children. They love them, not because of what they want from them, but because of who they are. They are mothers. That is who they are. They are God’s blessing to the world!

Mothers express undiluted and unparalleled love to their children; even when their children are not doing well. They see hope. They see future in their children and they allow them to grow. They allow them to mature, and continue to love them unconditionally.

Third, mothers give physical and emotional supports to their children: We cannot deny the fact that mothers are experts when it comes to understanding their children and giving them all the physical and emotional supports they need. They know when their children are happy. They know when they are sad. They also know when they are angry or hungry. 

Mothers can easily read their children and know what exactly they are going through, and how to make them comfortable. They have come a long way in understanding what supports to give their children to make them do well in life.

Fourth, mothers are educators: They give moral and spiritual teachings to their children. They train them in what they should know about life. They teach them language, culture, values, morals and basic education. 

They also do their homework with them. They follow-up their studies in school, and they pay attention to every detail they learn online and from their friends.

Fifth, mothers are role models: They serve as good models for their children. They demonstrate how good mothers should be to their children, especially their daughters. And they train them on how to get along with people. 

They teach them empathy, kindness, respect, and responsibility by setting examples in their own actions and words. Mothers often shape their children's ideologies and influence their decision-making abilities.

Sixth, mothers are great advocate for their children: Whether it’s in school, or within the family, or in the community, mothers are great advocate for their children. They tell everything their children are going through and what they need. 

They work to ensure their children receive appropriate education, healthcare, and opportunities for growth. And because of this, mothers often communicate with teachers, doctors, and other people involved to support their children's welfare and development.

Seventh, mothers are lifelong cheerleaders of their children: The role of mothers extends beyond childhood. They continue to provide guidance, love, and support as their children grow into adults. They celebrate their children's achievements, offer advice when needed, and remain a source of emotional support throughout their lives.

Finally, I want to share something about single mothers. Being a single mother is a lot. I’ve seen and I know how much stress and struggles single mothers go through. It is not easy taking care of your children as a mother. The responsibility of two people has become that of one person. It is not an easy thing. As a mother, you have to take care of your children, pay their school fees, feed them, provide shelter, and also pay other bills. It is really not easy.

I encourage if you know any single mother around you, to support them. These people are going through a lot. Let’s show God’s love to them.

I, as a single mother, who by God’s grace, have all my children grown up. I know what it means to be a  single mother. And to be a single mother whose kids are still very young and not having enough supports is a lot of responsibilities. It is not easy!

I pray may these people find help. And I encourage you to please support them as much as you can. No help is too small or too big. What you do for them today is a seed that will germinate tomorrow. So, please don’t hesitate to offer the help.

May God continue to bless you and increase you on all side. Have a great week ahead.

To read the previous article, please click on this link: 5 Ways to Get Better At What You Do


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