5 Reasons We Go Through Challenges

Hello friends! Welcome back. Trust your week has been great. Mine too was epic. I had fun last Monday celebrating my birthday. And It gladdens my heart to see several calls, messages, and surprises people did for me on that day. I really want to appreciate you and everyone who has taken their time to do all of these things. May God continue to bless you and increase you on all side. I’m so grateful!

As I was just reflecting and remembering the things I've gone through in the past, one thing stood out for me. And that is for me to know that everything I had gone through in life was for a purpose. It could sound simple, but that wasn’t an easy conclusion I made. 

Looking back, I could make sense of a lot of things I had gone through in life. And here, I want to share some of the reasons why I feel I have gone through those situations.

First, is because my faith can be established in the Lord. If there are no trials, there won’t be opportunity to get my faith established in the Lord.

Second, is so that I can become wiser and stronger in handling issues of life. Challenges in life make us better and stronger. And we learn new things every time we are faced with new challenges. 

Third, situations in life open doors for new opportunities. There are some opportunities that we don't have access to until we are faced with a life situation. Example is going through an unemployment crisis could make you see an opportunity of setting yourself up. 

Fourth, is so that I can make progress. When I overcome challenges, I get rewards. I get promoted for passing exams of life. And I’ve seen it practically in my life that every time I overcome a challenge, there is a special array of God’s blessing and glory that accompany it.

And fifth, is so that I can be a blessing to people. There are many people who are going through what I’ve gone through. And I have opportunity to be a blessing to them by sharing what I’ve gone through, and how I was able to overcome it.

I know a lot of people right now are going through the same situation that many of us have gone through. And they may not know what to do or how to handle those situations. But if we share our story, we'll help them. That is the purpose of sharing our story. 

I can't tell how much I appreciate someone when they share their experience and it's similar to what I'm going through. I always feel so relief and lifted in my spirit. And I know a lot of people feel that way. 

That's why I wrote my first book– Life in God’s hands. It’s a memoir of my life. And in that book, I shared my experiences and the pains I went through. And I also shared how I was able to heal and gained back strength to embark on the journey of purpose. 

I will recommend that book for anyone going through difficulties and challenges in their life right now. The book is available on Amazon. You can check it out here. https://www.amazon.com/Life-Gods-Hands-Discovering-Secrets-ebook/dp/B096R3MWKZ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1S849G0WAU2RU&keywords=life+in+God%27s+hands+abiola+olojo&qid=1682774742&sprefix=life+in+god%27s+hands+abiola+olojo%2Caps%2C215&sr=8-1

So, friends, I encourage you to share your story, and let people learn from your life. The challenges you've gone through or going through are for a reason(s) as I've mentioned. So, let people be saved from their problems because of you. Let them gain from God's wisdom in you, and let it be a blessing to them. I pray the Lord strengthens you and make you succeed in life. 

Have a great weekend and God bless you!

To read the previous article, please click on this link: Turning 60 - How It Feels Like!


  1. I like it. Happy Birthday and Happy Sunday to you. Many more Happy returns . God blessings will always be with you in everything you do.


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