Who Are You?

Hi friends! Welcome back. And happy new month. It’s already 3rd month of the year. And thank God for His providence. 

Today, I want to share something about this question – who are you? I’m sure you would have heard this question couple of times before and you might wonder why I’m asking the same question.

To be honest, answering this question is not easy, even though most times it looks simple and straightforward. The reason is because it might be difficult spelling out who you think you really are. When you are asked who are you, many answers could come into your mind, including your name, title or position.

You could also think of what you do or what you are known for. While all that might not be mistaken, it could be wrong to think that is all you are. Because, who you are is not just about your ability, it is also about your identity. It is about who you have understood yourself to be that no one can confuse you about. And it is more of your character, personality and person.

Also, who you are is not about the changes going on around you. But about the principles and values guiding your life.

Something important about this topic to also note is that who you are will always reveal itself. This means for those who pretend, they can’t last long, because nature will always go against them. Who they are is going to leak out anyway. Human nature is something that cannot be hidden. And for whatever reason, you can’t be who you are not.

So, are you truly who you say you are? Is who you are inside the same as who you are outside? 

Yes, people can see you doing good things outside. But are they coming from your heart? Are you doing things so that people can praise you or you are doing them because that’s your nature. I want you to think about these things and let who you are inside manifest on the outside. Let who you have been created to be manifest in this world.

It was Oscar Wilde who said – “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” And Socrates also said, “Man, know thy self.” What all these mean is that there is just need for us to be and manifest who we are without duplicating or copycatting other people. 

The uniqueness God has put in us is not found in any other person. So, it’s important we take note of this and begin to manifest who we are and what we are created for.

We’ll continue on other discussions next week. Meanwhile, I wish you success and progress this month. And the Lord will make things work for you. Have a blessed week and God bless you!

To read the previous article, please click on this link: How to Deal with the Fear of Being Left Alone


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