7 Areas You Can Develop Yourself this Year

Welcome back friends. Hope this week has been great for you. As we enter the new year and continue to do great works, there are 7 key areas I will like us to develop ourselves on.

Depending on your goal, if you work on these areas, they can help you achieve more success and be happier this year. Here are those 7 areas

1. Finances

Let's take money out of the way first. It is crucial. It is important. We need it every time. So, part of what you want to do this year is to see how you can develop yourself in the area of your finances. 

Perhaps, you could have some financial goals. You may decide to read books on finances. You may also plan to make some investments, launch some business ideas, or attend some financial seminars. 

The goal is to see how you can develop your financial capacity, solve your money problems and make more money for yourself. 

And hopefully, we’ll have more things to share about money this year.

2. Health

Health is wealth. So, our health is important. If we are not healthy, we can’t be wealthy. And one beautiful thing about our health is – there is always room for improvement. 

From what we eat, to what we drink, to where we live, to how we sleep, to how we take care of our body, and so on, they all contribute to our health. And it is these little choices that we make everyday that count towards our health. So, it’s important to take our health seriously – both physical and mental.

More so, having a good health is not always about money. It could just be the awareness and understanding that will make the difference. So, it’s good to get knowledge and be updated about our health.

3. Relationship

Relationship is another crucial area we can develop ourselves on this year. We can have a meaningful relationship with people who will add value to us – people who we can trust and have a good relationship with. 

Our association determines our assimilation, so we must be careful of people we associate with. 

More so, in this area of relationship, we can develop our communication skills, learn more soft skills and be better at getting along with people. 

We can also create more opportunities to meet with people and add value to them. The sky is just the limit for us in this area, because the opportunities are limitless.

4. Spirituality

Okay so, this is very important. God in our lives is the ultimate. And there is no how we can put it, we will always need to engage in spiritual things. We are not just living in the body, we are spirit beings.

And there is just this part of everyone of us that craves spiritual things. So, because of this, it’s important to grow in spiritual knowledge. 

Subjects like faith, prayers, meditation, worship, and so on, are key areas we should develop ourselves on. All these will help us to have a good fellowship with God and chart our course through life.

5. Career

Another area you can develop yourself is your career or work. If you are working, you can improve yourself vis-à-vis your work performance. 

If you are a student, you can improve your academic performance and make sure you come out in flying colors. 

Whatever field you specialize in, you can expand yourself and increase your knowledge this year. There is still more to do. And there are more grounds to cover. 

So, the more you are open to learning, the more doors of new opportunities will open for you. 

6. Family

So far, how’s your relationship with your family; both your immediate and extended? In this year, you want to see how you can have more fellowship and quality time with your spouse and children. 

If you are single, you can have more bond with your parents and siblings, and also become a better person suitable for your future partner. 

Many things that we wish we would have learned while we were still single were hard to learn in marriage. So, if you are still single, you have the opportunity to make a better choice and do well in your marriage.

And for us as a family, there are many things we can do together. And in this year, we can learn more activities that will spice up our time together. Life is good when we enjoy it together.

7. Lifestyle

The last but not the least is lifestyle. This is also one area that is important. It is all inclusive. It includes your daily activities, habits, and behaviors. So, this year, you want to see how you can improve your habits – increase the good ones, and drop the bad ones. 

There is always a room to do better and get better. So, if there is any area of your lifestyle you want to work on this year, it’s high time you started working on it. And I believe with gradual steps, you’ll get better.

So, I hope these 7 vital areas will help you set good goals for yourself this year and make you have the best out of the year. I pray the year be one of a kind for you and be memorable. God bless you and have a great week.

To read the previous article, please click on this link: Happy 2023; What's In the New Year


  1. Good advice, mummy Olojo.
    Thank you 💕🌹

  2. Very beautifully written, thank you. All of the key points are very valuable

  3. This is very inspirational and great advice. Thank you ma and happy new year 🎉. 🎉 😘

  4. Thanks for the gift of sharing


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