The Fear of Failure

Happy new month friends. Trust this month will be an amazing one for you. 

We’ve been discussing different types of fear and today I want to discuss the fear of failure.

The fear of failure is a common experience for many of us. From the time we were still young in primary schools to the time we graduated from higher institutions; the fear of failure was always on our mind. We don’t like to fail in our exams. 

We also don’t like to fail at what people expected us to be good at. The fear of failure is associated with shame, embarrassment and ridicule we receive from people when we fail. Most people see failure as a very bad thing. And I’m not encouraging that we should deliberately fail. 

But something very important that we must understand about life is that failure is inevitable. Whether we are the smartest person in the world, or we are the slowest person, failure has no respect for persons. Everyone, at certain point in time in life will surely experience some failure.

Failure comes in different ways. From making several unsuccessful attempts, to trying new things without having achieved what we wanted, to even just missing a whole lot of opportunities - failure is detestable to us, and we don’t like or want it.
But in as much as we don't want it, it is not an end to life. And in fact, it is the beginning of something new. It is a signal that gives us direction to the right path. Failure has helped a lot of people to achieve success. 

We know nothing comes easy unless some efforts and sacrifices have been put in. We don’t come by success by accident. Success comes as a result of several attempts or trials which we can call failure. 

Someone once said, "success only comes as a result of failure. And if you succeed today, it is only because you’ve failed yesterday." But many of us don’t want to hear the word – failure. We abhor it so much so that we attach everything negative to it. 

We feel embarrassed, disrespected, or even disgraced because of it. But if only we know how much value failure itself has offered us as human beings. It is because of failure that we have achieved so much in science and technology. 

For example, with the invention of light bulb by Thomas Edison and airplane by the Wright Brothers. These ones failed many times before they achieved success. 

It is also because of failure that even we as human beings were able to crawl, fall many times and start to walk and run. It is because of failure that we could make progress and find something new in our journey in life. Failure has exposed us to many things that offer value and insights.

It is important we have the right mindset about failure. And it is also important we learn from every failure we encounter in life. Because for every failure we go through, there is an important lesson for us to learn. And that’s the beauty of it.

There is nobody on this earth who has really succeeded without having accounts of failure. Again, from the story of Ophrah Winfrey, to the story of Colonel Sanders to the stories of J.K Rowlings, Mother Teresa, Bill Gates, Walt Disney and many more amazing people whose failure stories have inspired us, we have learned a great deal of persistence and right mindset to overcome the fear of failure. 

And because of their stories, these ones have attained the level of recognition that made them world sensation. 

I tell you today, my dear, that the failure you are going through today is not meant to break you down, but to take you to your next level of success. It is to direct you in the way you should go, and to learn what works, and avoid what doesn’t work. I see you attaining a great level of success. Have a blessed week.

To read the previous article, please click on this link:


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