5 Ways to Overcome Burnout

Welcome back friends. Hope you are doing great this weekend.

Today, I want to discuss 5 ways to overcome burnout. These past few weeks have not been easy. It has been from one thing to another. Catching up with life, work, family and friends. 

Sometimes, when we overwork ourselves, we could experience burnout. In which case, we feel exhausted, tired, weak, and even lack of appetite for anything. 

We could also have feelings of worries and anxieties. There might be issues worrying our mind and we’ve been trying to solve them. There might also be a strong feeling of fear and concerns for the future.

But when we put too much demands on ourselves, we overburden ourselves and eventually breakdown. If care is not taken, this could have a toll on our health. In order to prevent this, we need to find ways to overcome it. Here are 5 ways.

1. Take A Break
When you are in a moment of burnout, the first thing to do is to take a break. Take a break from all activities that are overwhelming you. When you keep worrying day and night about all you have to do, you will not get a chance to come out of burnout. 

Work and activities will always be there, but you have to take care of your health so that you can have the strength to carry out those activities. 

Sometimes, we think if we are not there, nothing will happen. But understand that people and life will always have a way of adjusting in every situation. 

So, no matter how needed you are in a situation, think of your health first, and then come back to what you have to do, otherwise, you might not be able to do them.

2. Rest
After taking a break, the next thing is to rest. You need some rest. Sometimes, we think we’ve rested while we’ve not. 

Having an adequate time to sleep, having a moment to relax the body and just stay calm, maybe lay down on the bed, or just sit relaxed on a sofa could all be a refreshing moment. Don’t miss them.

3. Eat Well
Food affects our mood. And it grossly contributes to our health. More and more medical studies have shown that what we eat have direct influence on our moods and body physiology. 

Healthy eating is a good way to go. For example, foods that contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids affect positively our mental health and curb depression. Likewise, eating of fruits and vegetables, and protein-rich foods also contribute immensely to a healthy body. 

So, in a time of burnout, eating healthy is a good way to recoup lost strength and energy.

4. Move Your Body
I cannot overemphasize this – moving your body is essential to changing your mood and making you feel better. 

While you don’t have to stay hours in a gym or run 10 kilometers, you can just start moving your body right inside your room. You can stretch your arms and legs, and shake your body. 

If you can go for a walk, do it. Any form of exercise you can do that can make you feel better, do it. Also, when you move your body and sweat, you increase blood circulation in your brain and your entire body which boost your mood and mental state.

More so, you release wastes and toxins from your body.

5. Avoid Distractions
In a world of technology and social media, hardly is there anytime we are not distracted. When you want to recover from burnout, shun every distraction. 

Have time when you use your phone. Don’t entertain unnecessary discussions or activities during this moment. It is better to focus on your health, and also have time to meditate and reflect over your life.

The key is not to boggle your mind with stressful thoughts, but to concentrate on the beauty of your life and the opportunity you have to live it.

Bonus: Ask For Help
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If there is need for any help, please ask for it. There are some people who want to help. 

And if there is need for a professional, there is also chance of getting one. Your health is more important at this time than anything else. 

If you’ll also like to talk to family and friends, please do. That will go a long way. Having a good relationship and connection with people at this time could also be a good way to overcome burnout. 

So, please take good care of your health. I pray you stay healthy and keep doing well in life. Have a blissful weekend and God bless you!

To read the previous article, please click on this link: 


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