5 Ways I Handle Problems (Part 2)

Dear friends, welcome back. Hope your week has been great. And thanks for those comments. I appreciate them and your time. Today, I will continue with the topic I started last week. I will share 5 ways I handle problems.

First, I face the problem head-on: Yes! There’s no need to pretend there’s no problem when there is. One of the ways I handle problem is to face it head-on, which means I work directly on the problem. In this case, there’s usually no two ways about it. I either solve the problem or it remains. 

When I have financial problem, I face it head-on. When I also have problem with dealing with certain situations with people, I face it head-on. I don’t hesitate trying to look for alternative. I know the longer I prolong solving the problem, the longer it stays.

Second, I discuss it with someone close to me in a bid to solve it: Sometimes, when I’m going through tough and emotional roller-coaster, I could engage someone close to me to discuss about it. It works! Problem shared is half-solved

There are some problems that the moment we share them, they are already on their way out, because we will feel relieved and get more ideas on how to deal with them.

Third, I focus on other people’s problems: At first, I didn’t know it works until I kept repeating it and have the same results. When I have a particular situation I’m going through, I would just find someone going through that same situation, and try to help them and encourage them through it. 

Incidentally, I would no longer find my own problem. This can be with dealing with family or children matters. And even situations at work place and relationship with people. 

Fourth, I ignore it: Humm, but is it possible to ignore problems? I think yes, it is. There are some problems you don’t need to worry much about. All you just need to do is to ignore them, because time will solve them. 

When I was much younger, I had many insecurities and fear about the future. But over time, I realized I couldn’t find those problems any more. Time has taken them away. And, of course growing in knowledge and experience also helps. 

This is similar to driving a car and seeing a mirage ahead. One could be worried about it and thinking how to navigate it. But the moment you keep driving, you will realize it’s not real. It is just an illusion. 

The same way too, many things that we worry about now will no longer be necessary in the future. So, what should we do about those problems? Ignore them and move on. They will soon disappear.

The fifth and final way I handle problem is to relax and just be: Yes, I look for ways to cope with the situation and just rest my mind. Sometimes, when I have concerns for my children and wonder how certain issues would be resolved, after I have tried all I could, I just relax and let it be. 

There are times when I less worry about problems, I find solution easily to them. Perhaps, it has happened to many of us, that the more we feel calm about certain situations, the more we find solution to them.

So, I encourage you my dear to worry less about problems, but focus more on solutions. And like I mentioned in my previous article, that the key things to note about problems is that there are more good sides to them than the bad. And viewing them with the right mindset gives us the ability to solve them.

As a people, God has given us the grace and strength to handle every situation and challenge that comes our way. The only thing we should do is to look for the right way to approach those problems.

And finally, every problem has its own peculiarity. So, with the right approach, we can solve any problem and keep making progress in life. I see you attaining a new level of success in life. God bless you and have an amazing weekend.

To read the previous article, please click on this linkhttps://abiolagold.blogspot.com/2022/07/how-i-handle-problems.html


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