Expecting the Unexpected

Hello friends. Welcome back. Trust you had a great week. And as days are going by, I hope you are catching up with your plans and programs for the year. I know a lot has happened this year already and many are still happening. 

But you know what —everything will work together for our good. And the Lord will make every crooked way straight and make lines fall for us in pleasant places. 

I want to share something about expectation. I call it expecting the unexpected. Practically every time, we have some things we expect for the day, for the week or for the year. It is paradoxical to expect what we don’t want to expect, or to prepare for what we are not sure is going to happen. 

However, miscellaneous is part of life and whether we expect it or not, it will happen anyway. Sometimes, this happens in the form of change in our plans, and we know that wouldn’t really be what we wanted but did happen. 

I’m sure you would have had many occasions when something that you didn’t expect or prepared for happened. It could be something good or bad. 

If it is good, you will be happy seeing it and hope for more next time. If it is bad, you will never pray for such to happen again. 

Such is life!

‘Expecting the unexpected’ is a form of preparation, getting your mind set, and your loins guarded with all the essentials. 

It wouldn’t mean to cumber your mind with negative thoughts or be expecting something evil, but to build yourself, grow more and bring good out of life in every situation. 

In my life, I’ve had many unexpected situations. But they’ve taught me important lessons of life. And one thing I know for sure is that, they will come. But when they come, how prepared will they find you?

Have a great weekend! 


  1. Thank for the word of encouragement ❤❤❤❤


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