How to Overcome Boredom

Dear friends! Welcome back. The feedbacks I got about the last episodes were so amazing. Thank you for taking your time to read, comment and share your thoughts about those topics. It goes a long way.

Today, I want to discuss about how to deal with boredom.

For many of us, it is something that we experience from time to time. For some, it could be about their job or certain activities that have become a routine and it’s no longer interesting.

Boredom also happens among children and young adults because they are so full of energy, and any activity that is downing their spirit or make them less active could be boring for them. This could consequently ensue in children diverting that energy into something else, sometimes dangerous for their wellbeing. 

It is important that we as parents understand our children and know how to engage them in the right way so that they will not use that energy for wrong purposes.

As adults, when we are bored, we could feel easily tired, weak, frustrated, or even depressed. Boredom could make us feel a hell out of life. Everything would just suddenly become uninteresting and frustrating. Yes, it could be that annoying. But how do we really get over boredom and live an awesome life? 

The first thing I would say is to not ignore that feeling. But to go through it. And sometimes, it’s hard to avoid a boring moment. But what can be done is to focus on what you can do as an individual. 

There’s one antidote I have found for boredom —doing what you love.

You can’t be bored doing what you love. And when you are in a situation that makes you feel bored, just think next of something that you would love to do.

Sometimes it could be something as simple as calling someone who you have not called for a long time, or taking a walk around the neighborhood, or singing your best song and dancing to it, or picking up a book to read or just hitting a gym. There are many simple and easy things you can do at the moment to take away boredom.

It can even be as far as going all out to help people and doing something meaningful for them.

Sometimes, boredom is good because it gives you a signal that you are staying on one spot and you need to change. When you keep doing one thing over and over again, you feel bored. So, in that case, you could go for something new. 

Do something that you’ve never done before. Go to a new place. Meet new people. Cook new recipe. Learn new sport, song, dance, activities and so on.

Life is more than just doing one thing over and over again. Variety, they say, is the spice of life. So, keep adding varieties to your life.

Also, you can take up a new project. Start something that would really engage you and add value to others. The feeling of boredom is that your energy is being underused and you are tired of just being lifeless or inactive. 

So, when you take up new projects, you put your energy and time into use, and you no longer feel bored. Getting results from what you do can also encourage you to keep doing it and stay away from boredom. 

Helping people and just going all out to add value to others can make you happy and excited. You derive joy and fulfillment from what you do for yourself and others.

I hope these ideas will help you to stay away from boredom and live more exciting life. 

Feel free to share your thoughts and ideas with me. Thanks for reading and have a nice weekend.    

Much love!❤️


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