
Showing posts from October, 2023

The Origins of Our Dissatisfactions

Welcome back dear friends. Trust this past week was good for you. Today, I want to share something about the topic – the origins of our dissatisfactions. Looking carefully at what is happening around the world, you will see that there is a certain level of dissatisfactions going on in many people’s minds. Many are not satisfied with where they are and what is going on around the world. Particularly, people who are immigrants in foreign countries. They are not happy with what is going on in their home country and how their people are being destabilized and dehumanized. For the past two decades now, there have been many cases of human displacements and migration of people from their homeland to foreign countries. They’ve left all their belongings, families, properties to escape for their lives and find a solace somewhere else. But where they are has not been a better place either. Yes, there may be food to eat. There may be house to live. There may be cars to drive. And there may be clot

The Transformative Power of Gratitude

Hello friends! Glad to have you back. Trust you had a great week.  A while ago when I was thinking about so many things, I became overwhelmed ( quite as usual ). There have been couple of situations I’ve been going through especially at my work place, and I’ve been wondering what exactly was going on, trusting the Lord. But life, you know, often throws situations at us that test our faith and confidence in the Lord in ways we can't immediately comprehend. In such moments, we yearn for divine intervention, for the Lord to swoop in and deliver us from our troubles. We long for solutions to our problems, even though we may not fully understand why we are going through these trials. What we may not realize is that these trials might have a purpose beyond our immediate comprehension. In times of adversity, when we desperately seek relief and resolution, the Lord may be silently at work in a different way. He may seek to fortify us, to build our courage, and to deepen our faith in Him. I

How Do We End These Crises?

Welcome back, friends. Trust this past week has been good for you. I want to start today by asking a question – How do we end these crises? The crises of wars and conflicts that are going on in our world. My heart bleeds when I hear and see what is going on between Israel and Gaza. The situation is extremely difficult and people are suffering. I understand the situation is a political and religious crisis, but why should innocent souls be the victims of these conflicts?  The situation is getting worse every day and people are running away for their lives to wherever they can go. I imagine how difficult it will be for them to eat or sleep, let alone, work. They have practically no choice but to run for their lives. Their economy and finances have come to a standstill. They have no place to live, no food to eat, and they are facing mental and emotional instability. Anyone who has experienced war knows that it's not something to joke about. When the Russia-Ukraine War started last ye

Living Every Moment

Top of the weekend to you friends. Hope you had a great week. I had too. And this week has been engaging and adventurous for me. I embarked on a trip which I’m enjoying and learning a lot from. I guess I’ll share more on that later. Today, I want to share something on living every moment. Living every moment is relishing every moment of our life. It’s like being the artist of our own life, painting each day with the vibrant colors of our presence and purpose. It's about recognizing that - time is a fleeting object, and the masterpiece we create depends on how fully we engage with each moment. Imagine waking up every morning with a heart full of gratitude, ready to embrace the day's opportunities and challenges. You step outside, and you feel the gentle warmth of the sun on your skin, you see the serenity of a beautiful environment, and enjoy the whisper of the wind on the trees. As little as these things are, you revel in these miracles, and find joy in the simplest moments. L