How to Overcome Self-Condemnation

Blessed weekend friends. Welcome back. How has the week been for you? Hope you are doing well. I pray the Lord continue to make His grace abound in your life.

Today, I want to share something about overcoming self-condemnation. Self-condemnation is a feeling that we often feel from time to time. Whether from what we’ve done in the past to what we are doing now, or from who we were in the past to who we are now, the feeling is second to none. 

It usually starts from a very subtle feeling of blaming yourself for what is happening in your life, to the feeling of guilt and then self-criticism and self-sabotage.

A situation could happen to you and you could just conclude in your mind that it happened because of you. You caused it. While that might be true or not, what condemnation does is to down your spirit and make you feel helpless and hopeless.

But here is the good news, there is no condemnation for you if you are in the Lord. The things you’ve done in the past are no longer an issue. They’ve become old, and you’ve become new. What you need to do is to take up a new mind which is for the new life. You are no longer living in the past, but in the present. And you are no longer living in condemnation, but in justification.

I love what happened to that prodigal son in the Bible. After he had squandered everything he took from his father and ended up poor, he decided to return to his father and ask for forgiveness. But before then, he had condemned himself and disqualified himself of being worthy of his father’s love. He knew he had done wrong and his conscience was judging him.

But when he arrived home, his father ran out to him and embraced him. He said he had been waiting for long to see him. The son wouldn’t know what to say. He humbly rested on his father’s arms and received his love. 

His father threw a party for him. But when the older son who had stayed loyal and faithful to his father came back home, he was angry and furious, asking why the father had to throw a party for a prodigal son who had squandered his resources, but him he had done nothing for. 

The father said it’s about making the boy happy. It’s about showing him love. He said he has been lost, and he’s now found; and he has been dead, and he’s now back to live.

That means, the father was glad for the return of his son. He was happy that his son didn’t allow self-condemnation to hold him down. He didn’t shame him. He didn’t condemn him. He only received him with love and joy.

That is who God is. That is who our father is. He’s never condemning us. He’s never shaming us. It’s only devil who speaks negative words to us, and make us feel condemnation and guilt. But we are never condemned by our father. We are His beloved. That is who we are. And that is what we believe.

Friends, I want you to walk in this consciousness and let it be your life. Let it be what you live for everyday of your life. And His grace and love will continue to abound in your life.

More so, other tips that you can take to overcome self-condemnation are here below:

1. Identifying the source/cause of the condemnation and getting rid of it.

2. Creating the right environment for yourself and mingling with the right people.

3. Being kind to yourself and never condemning yourself for anything.  

4. Learning from your mistakes and finding opportunity for growth.

5. Challenging old beliefs and negative thoughts with the Word of God.

6. Focusing on your strengths and not worrying about your weaknesses.
7. Taking action whether you feel like it or not.

So, those are the steps you can take. I hope you will find value in them. And if these words make sense to you, kindly share with family and friends. Let them also be a partaker of this. 

God bless you and have a great weekend!

To read the previous article, please click on this link: What Christ Did For Us (MUST READ!)


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