How to Rebuild Trust In A Relationship

Hello friends! Welcome back. Trust this past week has been great for you. 

And thank God for His goodness and lovingkindness.

Today, I want to share something about rebuilding trust in a relationship.

We know trust is important in a relationship. And there is no how we can have a successful relationship without building trust. 

But sometimes, things happen, and one way or the other, trust is broken. So, how do we rebuild it?

If you've ever been in this situation, you would know it could sometimes get messy and may even be complicated if something is not done about it on time.

So, in order to avoid this problem, here are ways I've found to rebuild trust in a relationship. 

1. Communication: 

I would say this is the first and the most important thing. When you have issue of trust with someone, you have to find an effective way to communicate with them. 

No relationship thrives without communication!

And the moment there is bridge in communication, there will be gradual lost of trust. You won’t be able to know what the other person is doing. 

So, to rebuild trust in a relationship, you’ve got to have a good communication. 

Find time and discuss everything. Nothing should be put under the table. Especially, things that worry you or your partner. 

When we know we have room to communicate and listen to each other, it allows us to be rest-assured and confident that there is no problem that comes up that can’t be solved. Just as an adage in my language says – 

"Oro o ni tobi, ka fi obe bu." (A word will not be too big that we’ll have to use knife to cut it)– meaning, "there is no how big a matter or situation is that it will lack expression."

For everything that we go through, there is always a solution for it, and communication solves most part of the problem.

And just in case you are not sure where to start. Start from where you are comfortable with. Whether you want to say it or write it, don't be shy about anything. Just do it! 

2. Be Transparent: 

This is very important. Just be transparent with what you do. Even when it’s not necessary. It helps in rebuilding trust and strengthening relationship. 

Depending on what kind of relationship, anything that is relevant to your relationship should be put on the table. Nothing should be hid under the table. 

If the person should get to know later that you are hiding something again, that could worsen the already broken trust and make you look unserious or unwilling to change.

3. Be Accountable: 

This has to do with being enumerative when it comes to what you plan to do and what you are doing. If you are able to do something, tell it. If you are not able, tell it as well. 

If you have said you will do something but you are not able to. Tell it and tell the reason why. 

It is important to always be accountable and have someone that you trust to be your support and at the same time your driver - someone that will encourage you and at the same time put you on your toes, so that you can be more consistent and productive in your actions/affairs.

4. Be Honest: 

There can’t be trust without honesty. This is when you tell it as it is, without exaggerating or undermining it. If you don’t want to say something, don’t say it. It is better that way than to say something wrong. 

Telling lies in whatever form is not good for rebuilding trust in a relationship. Especially, if the person has once believed that you told lies before. 

The only way you can rebuild trust is to be consistent with telling the truth, even if it hurts or not comfortable for you at the moment. It will pay off later, for sure. 

So, don’t hesitate in telling the truth anytime it is required.

5. Don’t Pretend: 

Pretence is an easy way to lose trust. It’s not going to last. So, avoid it in every way. When you notice that you are doing something that is unlike you or you are just struggling to do it - just to please the situation or that person, then you know you are pretending and it will surely not going to last. 

So, don’t pretend in anyway. When you’ve found out that what you did wasn’t what you wanted to do, then change immediately and go back to your normal self. 

It’s better the person you are relating with know you as who you are than who you are pretending to be.

6. Love Genuinely: 

Finally, the last but not the least is love. Love is very important in a relationship and there is no how you can rebuild trust without loving your partner. 

Love will allow you to open your mind to that person and allow them to thrive with you. 

More so, you will be willing to forgive them, and give them room to grow. So, love is very important in rebuilding trust in a relationship.

So, friends, those are the points I feel can help you rebuild trust in your relationship. 

In case there are questions or comments, please feel free to share them with me and we’ll discuss. 

God bless you and have a fulfilling weekend.

To read the previous article, please click on this link: Opportunities In Our Today's World




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