
Showing posts from January, 2023

Social Media; Its Effects on Our Mental Health

2 mins read Hello friends! Welcome back. Trust your week has been great, and you and your family are doing well. Today, I want to share few things about social media. I know it’s not an uncommon thing. And it is part of the technology that we have in our world today. Forty to 50years ago, we don’t have anything like Facebook or Instagram. But today, we have everything. We can communicate with our family and friends, we can meet new people online, and we can catch up on what is going on around the world. According to a recent study, an average person spends at least 2 hours of their time on social media everyday. And when it comes to young people, they are even more obsessed, and sometimes get addicted to it. So, this is something we must pay attention to.  But let’s look at some of the effects of this social media on our health .  First, is the effect on our mental health.  Recent studies showed that people who spend more time on social media feel more depressed than people who do not

How to Pay Off Your Debt

2 mins read Nice to come your way again, friends. Trust this past week has been great for you.  I was recently talking with someone, and I got to know more about the challenges of owing a debt. I’ve been there, and I know how it feels. For whatever reason, I don’t like owing a debt, and I’m sure nobody does.  In this year, even as we prepare to achieve our goals and fulfill our dreams, carrying debts is certainly not what we want to keep dealing with. And having in your mind that you are owing some debt could give some mental stress and make you overwhelmed. But finding solutions could offer some great relief. If you want to pay off your debt, I think the first place to start is planning . You want to plan how you want to pay off your debt.  Whether the debt is big or small, when you have a plan, it helps you in solving the problem. Sometimes it’s not about how much you owe, but the willingness to pay it off.  I know some people who are not always willing to pay off their debt, even th

7 Areas You Can Develop Yourself this Year

Welcome back friends. Hope this week has been great for you. As we enter the new year and continue to do great works, there are 7 key areas I will like us to develop ourselves on. Depending on your goal, if you work on these areas, they can help you achieve more success and be happier this year. Here are those 7 areas 1. Finances Let's take money out of the way first. It is crucial. It is important. We need it every time. So, part of what you want to do this year is to see how you can develop yourself in the area of your finances.  Perhaps, you could have some financial goals. You may decide to read books on finances. You may also plan to make some investments, launch some business ideas, or attend some financial seminars.  The goal is to see how you can develop your financial capacity, solve your money problems and make more money for yourself.  And hopefully, we’ll have more things to share about money this year. 2. Health Health is wealth. So, our health is important. If we are

Happy 2023; What’s In the New Year?

Helloooo dear friends, Happpyyyyy Newwwww Yearrrrrrrrrrr! How has the new year been? Hope you are having a great time with your family and enjoying your holidays. Just like yesterday we entered the new year, and before you know it, we’re already counting days and weeks. That's how it is.  By the way, have you made plans for the new year or do you have plans for the new year? Usually, at this time of the year, people will come out with their new year resolutions . They will tell what they want to do in the new year, and most times, few people follow through. After the first few months, all the new year euphoria would wane and many people would relapse into their old ways. But why? I know change is not easy to make, and while there are so many reasons for this, the main thing is to learn from the past, and make better decisions this year. It’s important to understand few things as we go into the new year if we don’t want to repeat the same thing last year.  For me, I’ve taken time t

Happy New Year! (Photo Gallery)
