The Hope that Gives Us Life

Hello friends! Welcome back. Hope you had a great week and for those of us here in America, hope we had a great Thanksgiving celebration. 

Today I want to share an important message titled the hope that gives us life.

For sure, life is full of challenges. And the challenges we go through sometimes can be overwhelming. We may want to give up on life and lose hope. But there is a hope that gives us life. Let me share a story. 

Beatrice was a single mother who lived in South America. She had a son called Jason. Jason was a promising child who loved to console his mother whenever she cried over how men maltreated her and took advantage of her situation because she was a single mother. 

The father of her son impregnated her when she was a teenager and decided to leave her and run after another woman whom he had already married to. Beatrice, for some time didn’t have a job and had to depend on government relief to provide for her son. 

When she later found a job, she moved to the city because of the distance of where she was living. But her salary was not enough, so she had to add another job to it. She was working day and night. The little time she had with her son, would only be to discuss and watch movies together. 

Jason was the only hope and joy Beatrice has got in her life. When Jason was in primary school, he was diagnosed of leukemia – a blood cancer that is difficult to treat. While Beatrice was trying all she could to get her son treated and get him back on his feet, she was overwhelmed with too much work at her workplace. But she couldn’t leave the job because that was where she was getting money to support her son.

Chemotherapy was given to him, and he felt better. So, he was later put on drugs. But Beatrice was spending a lot on the medications. After a while, Jason’s sickness returned and he was taken back to the hospital. Then radiotherapy was added to the treatment. So, the combination therapy made Jason’s situation to be better a bit, but not totally recovered. After a while, he was discharged.

One day, Jason was sleeping at night. Then, he just suddenly screamed from sleep and jerked his hands around. His mother was shocked, and at warp speed, woke from sleep. She tried finding out what was going on. She called him – “Jason, Jason, are you okay?” Jason couldn’t talk. He heaved down to his last breathe and gave up the ghost. Beatrice started screaming on top of her voice. People in the neighborhood began to rush out. Everybody came to see what was happening. 

Jason was rushed to the hospital and the Doctor confirmed he’s dead. Beatrice couldn’t believe her ears. She thought she was still in a dream. Moment later, the reality dawn on her. And she cried bitterly. She wouldn’t believe such thing had happened to her. Her only son —whom she’s having as her source of comfort and hope. 

Now, her hope is gone and everything in her life is out of order. She grieved and mourned bitterly. For 35 days, she couldn’t eat anything, she was looking very lean and scrawny. She was encouraged by her friends to eat something at least for the past 5 weeks. She thought her life has shattered and everything about her is dead. “What else am I living for”, she asked herself.

But for Beatrice there is a hope that brings life. And there is a God that brings oil of gladness in every pain.

Beatrice was holding her son’s picture day and night, and she was going to his favorite restaurant to eat. She also made a favorite picture of his, and stuck it to her room. She just wanted to see her son always and be reminded of everything about him.

Few years later, Beatrice met a man who was showing interest in her. At first, she wasn’t sure and didn’t want to show any commitment. But the man came as God sent to heal her wounds and help her through her situation. 

With so much caring and love showed to Beatrice, she couldn’t but agree to marry the man. Eventually, they did marry and the wedding was beautiful. Two years after, Beatrice gave birth to twins – a boy and a girl. That was the happiest moment in her life. People came to rejoice with them. And family and friends were present. 

Beatrice’s husband was such a supportive, adoring husband who took care of his wife and children. They both have a business together and Beatrice’s husband is a top official in one of the government institutions in the country. They are both living happily and well with their children.

Looking at the story of Beatrice, you would think all is gone for her after losing her only son. But God restored her hope and brought her back a fresh life. 

The hope that gives us life is the hope that only God gives. It is the hope that transforms life and makes all the things lost to be restored and multiplied. 

I believe that hope will find you and make your life a happy and fulfilling one. That hope will make you rejoice, even as we come to the end of the year. 

The Lord will give you oil of gladness where you have sorrow and bring you comfort where you have pains. His glory will radiate upon you and will make you excel in all that you do. 

God bless you and have a wonderful week ahead.

To read the previous article, please click on this link:


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