My Heart Bleeds

I was outrightly in shock when I heard and saw the incident that happened in Owo, Ondo state last Sunday. Armed young men went and attacked people in church during service. According to the news, over 50 people died and many were injured. I couldn’t have imagined such level of insanity and wickedness. 

Many families were thrown into mourning and grief, and people in the neighborhood feared for their lives. I wondered what has brought us to this level of inhumanity and bad governance.

There have been several cases of insecurity in the country in the last few months. Just this week alone, many people were killed in Kaduna state in one of the incessant killings. And in the same Ondo State, there were 4 people who were killed in an armed robbery attack. 

My heart bleeds for Nigeria. And my heart bleeds for my people. 

I know it’s not only prayer that will solve our problem. We’ve been praying and we’ll keep praying. But one thing is important, we all need to take responsibility. Enough of playing the blame game and everyone of us must put hands on deck and deliver our nation. We must see what role each and everyone of us has to play to make our lives better and make our nation great again.

This is time when we need to take the matter of our lives into our hands. We must all rise to this occasion and solve our own problems. The security challenge in the country now is no longer a one-man responsibility. We must all come together and find a lasting solution to this intractable problem. 

It must be a collective responsibility! 

In every way we can, we must all be security conscious and report immediately any strange movements or activities in our neighborhood. We must seek to help one another and care about our lives – because they are so precious. 

For those of us who have the capacity, we should share our resources and things that we have with others. We should allow God’s love to reign in our hearts and help one another. There’s no gain in being selfish or greedy. Caring about oneself alone is not going to take us far, it will only draw us back. We must come together as a people who love peace and development in our land.

We must also seek to educate our youths and children. We need education. Serious one. Both formal and informal. Many of our youths who are roaming about the streets and are not going to school or find something valuable to do will all be a good instruments in the hands of the wicked ones. They will lure them into inimical activities and indoctrinate them with bad ideologies. 

In order to avoid this, we must all take this collective responsibility of caring for children on our streets and those who have nothing to do. If there’s any way we can help, let’s help. This will go a very long way. People who are committing crimes are not strangers from heaven. They are with us and among us. We must seek to take this collective responsibility and deliver our nation and people from the hands of hoodlums and hooligans.

I pray God help us in all our pursuits and make our nation great again. God bless you. Have a wonderful week ahead!

June, 2022

You can read the previous article here: 20 Benefits of Sleep


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