
Showing posts from June, 2022

Expecting the Unexpected

Hello friends. Welcome back. Trust you had a great week. And as days are going by, I hope you are catching up with your plans and programs for the year. I know a lot has happened this year already and many are still happening.  But you know what —everything will work together for our good. And the Lord will make every crooked way straight and make lines fall for us in pleasant places.  I want to share something about expectation. I call it expecting the unexpected. Practically every time, we have some things we expect for the day, for the week or for the year. It is paradoxical to expect what we don’t want to expect, or to prepare for what we are not sure is going to happen.  However, miscellaneous is part of life and whether we expect it or not, it will happen anyway. Sometimes, this happens in the form of change in our plans, and we know that wouldn’t really be what we wanted but did happen.  I’m sure you would have had many occasions when something that you didn’t expect or prepared

This Is What We Are Doing

Welcome back friends. I appreciate you stopping by. I want to continue where I stopped last week.  Going through the week, many heavy thoughts flooded my heart. At times, I couldn’t overlook them. I was thinking about so many things. Essentially about the problems in Nigeria and how we are going to find solution to them.  I was majorly thinking about solutions.  I know we’ve talked about problems. And we’ve created enough awareness about what’s going on. But now it’s time to act. It’s time to do what we can do to bring hope and life to our people. Sometimes when I think about so much problems that we have in Africa, particularly Nigeria, I wondered where we are going to start or how much we have to do.  But you know what, whatever we have in our capacity to do is what we would do. We would not overlook or commonize what we can do. Everyone of us has a role to play and we must play it, whether big or small. They are all important. Nothing is a waste. So, everyone of us must put hands on

My Heart Bleeds

I was outrightly in shock when I heard and saw the incident that happened in Owo, Ondo state last Sunday. Armed young men went and attacked people in church during service. According to the news, over 50 people died and many were injured. I couldn’t have imagined such level of insanity and wickedness.  Many families were thrown into mourning and grief, and people in the neighborhood feared for their lives. I wondered what has brought us to this level of inhumanity and bad governance. There have been several cases of insecurity in the country in the last few months. Just this week alone, many people were killed in Kaduna state in one of the incessant killings. And in the same Ondo State, there were 4 people who were killed in an armed robbery attack.  My heart bleeds for Nigeria. And my heart bleeds for my people.  I know it’s not only prayer that will solve our problem. We’ve been praying and we’ll keep praying. But one thing is important, we all need to take responsibility. Enough of

20 Benefits of Sleep

Welcome back friends. Hope you are having a great weekend.  Today, I quickly want to mention 20 benefits of sleep. I know many of us are familiar with some of these benefits. Notwithstanding, it’s good to mention them so that we can enjoy more of our sleep and make it a priority.  I know sleeping is not hard for some of us, it’s good to put balance to it, so that we don't go to the negative side.  The average sleep time for adults is 6 hours, while for children is 8 hours. Whether we do it more or less, it’s good to make sure we are refreshed by the time we wake up.  Having a nice siesta could make us feel a lot more refreshed and productive for the rest of the day. Here are some of the benefits of sleep. 1. It increases attention and concentration. 2. It helps regulates blood sugar. 3. It reduces headaches. 4. It improves heart health. 5. It fights cancer. 6. It boosts sexual drive. 7. It improves alertness. 8. It reduces stress and anxiety.