4 Things I Love to Share

Just few months ago when I was having my lunch at my workplace, some thoughts came into my mind and I decided to pen them down. For the sake of clarity and understanding, I would love to highlight the points. I found them crucial and fascinating, and I believe they would be helpful to many people especially parents.

1.First, Parental care: As parents, especially mothers, we have a lot of work to do. God has given us the assignment of taking care of our children. He has given them to us as a blessing. We must value them and take care of them. The Bible says Behold, children are a heritage of the Lord, and the fruit of the womb is his reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be ashamed when they speak with their enemies in the gate. Psalms 127:3-5. This is a promise and an assurance. Parents are blessed to have children.

Speaking about Parental care, we need to give our children education (both formal and informal), home training, attention, time, love, care, and very importantly knowledge of the Word of God. We need to give our children our time. They need our attention, above everything. It’s not enough to give them food. It’s not enough to pay their school fees. It’s not even enough to provide them clothing and shelter. But to give them our attention. We need to Hear them out. Listen to them. Talk with them. Advice them. Encourage them. Educate them. Challenge them.

Your children need quality time from you. Please give it to them. I remember when I was training my children when they were still young, I taught them the word of God which up till now they still had in them. I taught them discipline, respect, hardworking, diligence and honesty. Just like the way my parents taught me the way of the Lord, my husband and I taught our children and made sure we had time for them. They inculcated good qualities and behavior in them because they learnt many things from our actions, not just our words.

When it comes to training children, there are many things to talk about. But the bottom line is giving them the attention that they need. Through that you will understand many things that they need, and be able to give it to them.

2.Second, Being kind to people: It’s important we understand life. And it’s important we understand people. People are different. And people are blessing. Whichever way they appear, whether in a good or bad manner, there’s something to learn from everyone. And from what I’ve learned from my parents, it’s good to be good to people. Because God will reward you and grant you favor and blessing. Those who are good to people are happy, fulfilled and prosperous. They never lack any good thing, and they are always on top of situations. Because God is always fighting on their behalf. Even when people are doing evil to them or don’t appreciate their good works, God is always blessing them and granting them favor on all sides.

3.Third, Sincerity and Honesty: It is good to be sincere and honest in life. Being sincere is being genuine with your actions. Letting your yes be yes, and your no be no. And being honest is being truthful always even in the midst of threats and injustice. I know it’s hard in the world today where there are so many lies and unscrupulous activities. But just as the scripture says —righteousness exalts nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. When we are honest in our dealings, we will receive favor from God and people would appreciate us, whether sooner or later. But when we are dishonest, we reap bad seeds. When we are sincere, people can rely on us and trust us because they know we won’t betray them or do any evil behind their back. I teach my children to be sincere and honest in their dealings with people, because that is what will make them succeed and excel in their endeavors. People only value people with integrity. And part of integrity is honesty and sincerity.

4.Love covers all sins: I know the subject of love is a popular one. But I don’t want us to underestimate the power and importance of love. First of all, it is love that created the world and the world keeps existing till today because of love. If there’s no love, we won’t be alive. And even if there’s no love between our parents, we won’t be born. Love does a lot of things. Among them is, it covers all sins. This means that love forgives. No matter what, love forgives. I know some people say there are some sins that they cannot forgive because they don’t love that person. But I promise you that when love comes in, those sins would disappear because love covers all sins. This doesn’t justify the gout to continue sinning, but it gives hope and grace to sinners. Just as the Bible says when we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

So, the more we are able to allow love in our hearts, the more we are able to forgive others and allow the peace of God to reign in our hearts.

I encourage the couple today to let the love of Christ rule in your hearts. Allow love to reign in your family. What fight will not solve, love will solve. When things are challenging and situations are overwhelming, allow love to reign in your family. Let the peace of God dominate your family, and let it also be transferred to your children and children’s children. May God keep you together and give you peace, love, joy, happiness, prosperity, good health and all the good things in your family. And I also pray for people who want such thing as this that the good Lord will grant you your heart desires and make all good for you. God bless you and thanks so much for listening.


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