
Showing posts from February, 2022

Peace For Ukraine

One thing I hate in my life is war. I don’t like it for anything. Maybe because of the stories I’ve had about it. It is not easy. Everywhere would be tensed. People would be panicking and afraid, and there would be so much unrest here and there.  When the news about Russia-Ukraine war broke out, I was scared, I had to call my people in Ukraine to know how they’re doing. I know the conflict has been going on for a while now, and recently it has escalated to a full-fledged war. The world tensed. Everyone is concerned.  Not in this 21st century should we be talking about this kind of war. There are many wars in our world that we should be dealing with rather than attack on ourselves. We still have many hungry people to feed in the world. There are still a lot of people who are poor. That is the war we should be fighting. Not the one against ourselves and humanity. We should fight war against poverty, hunger, discrimination, cruelty, terrorism and so on, in our societies.  Today, I pray fo

How To Start A Business With Little Or No Money

Welcome back friends. Hope you had a great week. Thank God for His grace and goodness. In the past few weeks, we’ve been talking about money, and I hope they are making some sense to you. If you find these write-ups valuable, please share with your family and friends, and let them also be a partaker of this knowledge. And if you have some questions or ideas in mind, please feel free to share them in the comment or write me. I would love to hear from you. Starting a business is not difficult. But it should be something that you are interested in. And while business is not only about making money, money cannot be excluded from it. If you want to start a business, how do you start without money? First of all, a business is something we do to solve problems for people and make money from it. Let’s look at all the businesses we have around us. They are all solving problems. Whether it’s a big or small business.  Amazon, for example, being the largest online retail business in the world is s

How to Make Money When There Is No Money (Part 2)

Welcome back friends. Now, to the story I wanted to share last week about a boy, named Femi. It is quintessential to what I've been talking about. His father died when he was 6, and his mother had to take care of him and his five siblings. Femi's mother was working as a secretary at a local firm and she had to struggle to take care of them.  They hardly had enough food to eat, or good dress to put on. The house they were living was not completed till their father died. He wanted to complete the building soon enough, but his life was truncated. So, the house was left uncompleted. It was such a pathetic situation. In this family of 7, things were really hard. The salary of Femi’s mother was not enough to cater for their needs. So, the only option Femi and his siblings had was to go look for what they can do. There was no money for school. So they hawk small items that their mother was selling on the street. One day, Femi walked up to his mother's boss and asked if he could

How to Make Money When There Is No Money (Part 1)

Though, I’m not a money expert, but I have some experiences and ideas about money. People ask me all the time about how to make money and what they can do. But I always tell them, it depends . Although there are common denominators for making money which are what I’m going to share, individuals have their own peculiar situations and location. For instance, it might be easy to make money in one location than the other. It is obvious that if jobs are available in one location, people would want to work. And if there’s opportunity to start a business, people would also want to do. But if it is hard to get any of these or they are not easily available, then, people would want to look for alternatives.  The alternatives, sometimes might not be pleasant, depending on how hard it is for people to survive. In a place like Nigeria, where it is difficult for an average person to get a job, one might want to explore other options like starting a business or learning a skill. However, if there is