How to Forgive (When It's Difficult to) Part 1

As part of our preparations for the new year, I will like us to clear some baggage that might distract us this year. Maybe they are present or not. I want to share some thoughts on how you can forgive when it’s difficult to. This might not be an easy topic to discuss, but I hope it would help in a way. And this might sound familiar if you’ve experienced it.

Though, from time to time, we offend people and people offend us. And at times, if we try to control ourselves and decide not to offend people, people might offend us, because we don’t have control over people. And that might probably cause us some pains. We might feel hurt. In such case, we may carry the burden of people’s wrongs in our minds. And if it’s someone that we don’t expect such thing from, we feel more hurt and disappointed. We feel so angry and exasperated, that we might not want to hear anything like forgiveness. It’s the last thing we could think about at such moments.

But how do we actually forgive, when it’s difficult to?

I’ve had couple of experiences that I felt so disappointed by what someone I didn’t expect did to me. I was deeply hurt and cried in my heart. I felt betrayed and deserted. Every single time I think about what happened, I feel more hurt in my heart. I was carrying that baggage until I realized it was becoming a burden for me. I was gradually losing my peace. Though I was trying to take it off my heart, I couldn’t just let it go. I found it hard to rationalize what that person has done, let alone to forgive.

I began to search my heart and surrendered to God. I knew I had to forgive, anyway. I didn’t want to continue carrying the burden, and I guess the person didn’t know how much hurt they’ve caused me. I decided to let go. And prayed to God to heal my heart. 

I know I’m not a wicked person. Neither am I someone who doesn’t want to forgive people. I’m someone who loves people, at least in my own little way, and would not want to offend people. But I just feel going through those hurtful situations could make us see where we are and allow us to grow and build our strength in God and increase our ability to forgive people.

Going through that process of forgiveness wasn’t easy. And I learned so many things. Next week, I will share some of those things I learned before I could take off those burdens of unforgiveness from my heart and became free with people and loving them more. 

Stay blessed and Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Thanks so much Mrs Olojo,forgiveness in an integral part of the purpose of Christ on reconcile man back to Gid. Consider the pain and suffering Jesus went through. He who held on to unforgiveness is holding his life at ransom and cannot move forward. untill you let go and let God by forgiving, you can not held on to God promises for your life. when you forgive ,not withstanding what is done wrong against you,then you enjoy peace, joy and happiness that cannot be quantified. However you don't look as beautiful as you used to ,you become sad at every remembrance with unforgiveness . Friends, unforgiveness is a plague, curse,sickness, turbulence, trauma and so on that every one should do away with in order to have good health . If you know you offend others ,then be rest assured that others will offend you. when you expect forgiveness, then forgive those who offend you. that is when our heavenly father will forgive us.Let us burry the hatchet and move on. my little contribution.
    Please note,mind your actions, characters, what you say about others,do to others,react or view others .Do not put others into sin of unforgiving because of your envy, Jelousy, anticipation,greed,or evil thought. the sky is wide enough to contain all the birds. this might be that person's time, yours is definately coming soonest.Dont rubbish the good work. celebrate it, rejoice with it and encourage it. do not eat the forbidden fruit. A word is enough for the wise.
    More wisdom to this woman of virtues Mrs Abiola Olojo who does what she says. love you sis


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