
Oh! It’s already end of the year, I can’t believe this year run so fast. Just like few months ago we started this year, and now it’s almost over. Thank God for life and good health. Happy new month family.

This month I’ll like to share my thoughts on gratitude.

A lot has happened this year. From COVID-19 spillover from last year, to economic, political and security challenges all over the world, a lot indeed, has happened.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned to do in life despite all I’m going through, is gratitude. To be grateful for where I am and where I’m going. At times, we get so worried about many things that we hardly show the act of gratitude. I remember when we were young, when our parents used to buy things for us and sometimes we don’t appreciate them. We could feel entitled to things. We could feel unsatisfied with what they gave us, or we could just feel we want more.

And most times, that’s the same attitude we show to life. Especially, if our expectations have not been met. If we’ve still not received what we are waiting for. If that business, or idea have not worked out. We may think what should we be thankful for?

But to start with, the fact that we still have life within us is worth thanksgiving. We’re not paying for the air that we breath in. We’re not paying for any part of our body to function. We can move our legs, our arms, our neck, and any part of our body. We can see, hear, talk, walk, eat, sleep, and so on. We can do so many things. Though, these things could look so trivial that we could easily take them for granted; their absence could cost us a lot. And we shouldn’t lose them before we appreciate them.

We should be grateful for everything that we have. 

I love what Melody Beattie said –“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.”

Great people practice gratitude. They are always grateful and expressive of good heart. No matter how little what they receive, they are grateful for it. People like Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins, Brene Brown, Mother Teresa, and so on, said their promotion came when they started feeling grateful for life. 

Oprah in her experience said - "Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough." Tony in his own words said - "When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears."

Even Jesus was also great at gratitude. When there was only 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes to feed five thousand people, he was thankful to the father. And it was that act of gratitude that brought abundance. People ate and overate, and there was still leftovers. That is the power of gratitude.

I know sometimes it can be hard to just see anything around you to be grateful for. Things might be going on and everywhere problems. Your mind could become so overcrowded and choked with stuffs. Probably you are not in that mood or mental state to express gratitude. But you know what, that could even be the good time to do it.

Gratitude is a therapy on its own. It has a healing power. It puts you back in good mental state that positions you for blessings and all the goodness of life.

I encourage you to find time to think of what you are grateful for in your life. You can even start with life. Be grateful for life. Let all the breath in you and fiber in your being show it. And you will have a different experience than what you’ve ever been having. I see your life changing for good. You're blessed!


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