Success Is Progressive

Success is not just a one-time event. It’s a lifetime process, from one level to another. This would mean there’s no final destination to success here on earth. If you go to school and you acquire some degrees, you celebrate the level of success and move on to the next phase. So success is progressive. When you keep moving forward, you’ll keep making success. 

Some people complain about challenges and problems. They just want everything to be the same. They don’t want change. But they want success. There can’t be success without progress. And there can’t be progress without tests. Just as a student can’t have progress without exams or any form of assessment. So is every one of us. And the truth is we’ll all face the exams of life. Those who pass will progress, those who fail will try again or fall back, depending on their decision. 

Life is fair enough to those who understand it. There’s no point complaining when you are not seeking out a solution. If you are ready for success, you will look for a test to write so you can pass and make some progress. I remember when I was in college, exam time is what every one of us always look out for. Because that’s what will determine our progress to the next level of graduation. So I always make sure I pay attention to preparing for it, so I won’t fail and come back to write the exam. 

Alas! Sometimes I failed and I had to rewrite the exam again before I progressed to the next class. I see this happening in life. Many of us, the challenges or difficulties that we dodged sometimes in the past and failed to face, are coming back to us now. Because until we pass that exam, we will not progress to the next class, and therefore no success in view. 

Perhaps the situation you are going through now might be the exam you need to pass before you can progress. The success you are looking for is in overcoming that challenge. Don’t look sideways. Face it upfront and you will overcome it. Sometimes we wouldn’t know how less difficult something is until we do it. 

Start to do it and you will see that you can do it. Look at this; “The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. And when you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” This is a great word of assurance and confidence. There’s nothing you have gone through or going through that’s beyond your capacity or what you can handle. Therefore, summon courage and take your victory over that challenge.


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