
Showing posts from November, 2021

Your Future Is In His Hands (Words of Comfort)

Sweetheart, I'll like to encourage you today, that your future is in His hands. I know you might be going through hard moments right now, things might be difficult for you right now, but you know what, things will get better by His Grace. You will come out stronger and better in that situation that you are going through. Whether your concern is about your finances, or your work, or your children, or your family, or your business, or your projects, or your studies, whatsoever, all will be well! I want you to take a deep breath and let your hope rest on Him.  Believe that He has your future in His hands. And He will surely perfect all that concerns you. Remember His word says " For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope ." Did you see that? God has you in mind, more than what you would ever think. And come to think of it, He's your creator. He is your father. He made you in His image

Develop Your Talent

There were three people who were given talents. First was given 5 talents. Second was given 2 talents. And the third was given 1 talent. The first developed and used his talents, he got 5 extra, making 10 talents. The second did likewise, he got 2 extra, making 4 talents. The third went and buried his talent under the ground. When the master who gave them the talents came and asked them to give report. The first came and said " I’ve multiplied the talents you gave to me, now I have 10 talents ", the master said "‘good servant’, well done, enter the glory of your father." The second gave the same report, " I’ve multiplied my talents and now I have 4 talents." The master told him too, " good servant, well done, enter the glory of your father. " Then the third came and said to the master- " you are a wicked master, you just want me to work for you without any pay. I didn’t use the talent, I just went to bury it somewhere, now take back your t

Biography of Our Mama - Felicia Abeke Abiona (Celebration of Life)

The day was Thursday, June the 14th, year 1934, Mama Felicia Abeke Abiona was born into the family of Omisanya, in Iperu Remo village of Ogun State, Nigeria. Her father’s name was Shittu Omisanya and her mother’s name was Adetoro Omisanya. At birth, she was given the name Selimo (Salimot), a name common to girls born into a Muslim family. As expected, she was practicing Islam with her parents. Her mother was one of the three wives that her father had. When mama was around age six, her mother died. But just before she died, she gave birth to another child who also died before her. It was a difficult moment for mama as a growing young child. She could hardly remember the image of her mother. Neither could she remember her words. She was only familiar with other people in her household including her father. Her father had a bookstore where he sold books to children going to school. Mama couldn’t go to school because her grandmother came to take her. She wanted to protect her from any emot

Idea Started As A Seed

Alice Waters is a world-renowned chef and creator of the famous California restaurant Chez Panisse. She's a woman full of passion for children and all that goes with healthy eating for young and old people. She specializes in cooking organic food and advocates for its intake rather than synthetic foods that are dangerous to health, especially among young children where there are many cases of childhood obesity.  Alice started out as a teacher and was studying education in France when she got an idea of ​​cooking fine food and the fact that organic food, which is locally grown without chemicals, boosts physical health and makes a huge difference in cooking. Back at home, while working as a teacher, she continued studying, cooking, and making delicious organic meals for her friends, and the friends of her friends, and all of the people in her vicinity. They all loved the nice meals. They would gather in her place, having a good time, long enough before Alice thought of opening her ow

Success Is Progressive

Success is not just a one-time event. It’s a lifetime process, from one level to another. This would mean there’s no final destination to success here on earth. If you go to school and you acquire some degrees, you celebrate the level of success and move on to the next phase. So success is progressive. When you keep moving forward, you’ll keep making success.  Some people complain about challenges and problems. They just want everything to be the same. They don’t want change. But they want success. There can’t be success without progress. And there can’t be progress without tests. Just as a student can’t have progress without exams or any form of assessment. So is every one of us. And the truth is we’ll all face the exams of life. Those who pass will progress, those who fail will try again or fall back, depending on their decision.  Life is fair enough to those who understand it. There’s no point complaining when you are not seeking out a solution. If you are ready for success, you wil

I Discovered Myself And My Joy Was Full

There was a day in my meditation time I was going through a scripture, in one of Apostle Paul’s writings to the Thessalonians. It came so alive in me that I couldn’t believe I had ever read that scripture before. It gave me the exact picture of who I’d wanted to be, and do for people. Here’s the scripture;  “ Finally, when we could stand it no longer, we decided to stay alone in Athens, and we sent Timothy to visit you. He is our brother and God’s co-worker in proclaiming the Good News of Christ. We sent him to strengthen you, to encourage you in your faith, and to keep you from being shaken by the troubles you were going through. But you know that we are destined for such troubles. Even while we were with you, we warned you that troubles would soon come—and they did, as you well know. That is why, when I could bear it no longer, I sent Timothy to find out whether your faith was still strong. I was afraid that the tempter had gotten the best of you and that our work had been useless. B

Where Happiness Comes From

Different things make us happy. We can be happy because we just bought a new house, car, shoes, clothes, electronics and so on. And we can also be happy because we just got married, or had a baby, or graduated from school or went on vacation or met with our old time friend, etc. Any of these and more could make us happy, at least for the moment. But where does happiness come from? Happiness is more about what we do than what is done to us. It is about what we make happen than what happens to us. For some of us, if people do good to us, we are happy. But if they do otherwise, we are not happy. Yes, this could be a normal feeling. And it  could be natural.  But it takes wisdom to understand that happiness essentially has nothing to do with what people do to us, but everything to do with what we do to people and ourselves. When God created us, he puts all that we’ll need to enjoy life right inside of us. Happiness comes when we do what we love to do. What we love to do is engraved in our