
Showing posts from May, 2023

How to Deal with Racism

A warm welcome, friends, to this special edition of my blog. I’m glad you are well, and here reading my blog. Thanks for stopping by. Today, I want to share something about racism . I know it’s hard to talk about, but it’s still very much with us. What I planned to achieve with this write-up is to share my thoughts and ideas on how we can deal with racism so that it doesn’t have negative effects on us. Racism simply is the prejudice or discrimination against people of a particular race or color.   As Africans living abroad, many of us have experienced one or more cases of racism. Many of us have wished only if our nations could be better, we would not think twice of relocating back home. And looking at this problem, it has had so much long-term effects on us such as - identity crisis, self-condemnation and hostility against racists, among others.  We no longer see ourselves as one people who could help each other, but as superiors and inferiors. Some even use abusive and dehumanizing l

The Value of Friendship

On a bright Saturday morning with a cozy atmosphere and a frenzy breeze, I say a warm welcome to my blog, dear friends. Trust you’ve been having a great time and doing well with your family. Today, I want to share something about friendship . This is a topic I’m excited to talk about because it has so much influence in my life. I have amazing friends and I’m always thankful to God for their lives. I’m someone who loves people , and loves to do things for people. And despite the fact that there are so many experiences I’ve had about people and relationship, I can still say the value of friendship is second to none! God created us together so that we can do things for one another and fellowship together. Friends are important in our lives. They are God’s blessings in our lives. When we have good friends, we have support. We have good companions. We don’t live alone or do things alone. We are simply happy living our life. At a point in time in our lives, we’ll always need the support of

From My Notes

1. I ask you today dear friends, in what do you find solace, joy and happiness? 2. And in whom do you depend on to get directions and solutions in all the issues of life? 3. God puts eternity in our hearts, so that we can always remember and reference him. 4. Depending on what you believe in, you will always have something to worship or reference in your life. 5. You will either believe in a lie or the truth. 6. Whatever you believe in your heart is what will form your mindset and life. 7. Life is full of different things – good and bad people, joy, happiness, sorrow, grief, storms, challenges and so on. 8. If you don’t know where you find your peace, you will be disturbed every time, and your spirit and mind will always be tormented. 9. People around you will always do something that you don’t like. But you are not going to keep getting annoyed because people offend you all the time. 10. You can’t live your life by reacting every time to what

What Makes Mothers Special

Happy Sunday friends and Happy Mother's Day (for those of us in the US & Canada). Welcome back to my blog. Trust you’ve been doing well and your family.  As this year is going, I pray may we fulfill our goals for the year and continue to live a happy life. Today, I want to share something about mothers. We know mothers are special. They are God’s vessels of nurturing and caring to the world. This season is when we celebrate mothers as mother’s day is starting from today and people are preparing to do something for their mothers. There are 7 points I want to share about mothers. Here are they; First, mothers are nurturers: They are people who carry pregnancy, nurture their baby right from the womb to being born and to becoming an adult. They breastfeed, take care of their children, and give them all the support and attention they need to grow and mature into an adult man or woman. Second, mothers love their children unconditionally: Yes, we know mothers have undying love for t

5 Ways to Get Better At What You Do

Warm greetings friends! Happy new month. Thank God for His goodness and blessings since the beginning of this year. I pray may His presence continue to abide with us in Jesus name. Today, I want to share 5 ways to get better at what you do. Whether it’s in your place of work, or at home or any engagement you might have, it’s important you keep getting better at what you do, to increase your influence and impact in the world, and grow in divine grace. Here are five ways to get better at what you do: 1. Practice: They say practice makes perfect. So, whatever you keep doing, over time, it gets better. Whether it’s about your career, or work, or business, or something you are talented in, the more you practice, the better you will become. Repeating something over and over again will help you improve and become more confident in your ability. 2. Seek feedback: It’s always good to get response from people when you are doing something. It makes you better. People see things in the way you do